Friday, July 16, 2010

Weird red dots/bumps on my chest... read deatils for info.?

Hey, about 2 months ago i had this random weird dot just under my collar bone which has since grown (widened) into a red bruizey looking thing (feels rough), now about a week ago ive had little red bumps pop up over my chest... they look like bites of some sort but each night id wake up with more... any ideas?

Weird red dots/bumps on my chest... read deatils for info.?
Hmmmmm . . . There's a lot of different things that could cause the problems you are describing.

Do they itch? You could have bedbugs. Please don't think that I am belittling your laundry abilities. We have an epidemic of bedbugs going on in this country right now. Lift up your sheet and mattress pad and inspect the mattress. Look for tiny brown flecks, especially at any seams. If you find anything like that, call Orkin or somebody to really do the job getting rid of them. You can try vacuuming the mattress and wrapping it in a zippered plastic mattress pad - but they may have infiltrated so far that this might not be enough.

Another thought, you may have an allergy to something. Have you changed your laundry detergent or fabric softener lately? Do you have new sheets? Are you using different body soap or lotion? Think about that.

If you irritated the original bump, which might be why it grew and widened, then you may have caused some scarring. This is especially prevalent on the chest area. And the new bumps might just be in reaction to the first bump.

In any event - a doctor will be better able to tell you what's going on! I just think that you should check for bedbugs and think about any possible allergic reactions before you go - because he/she will ask you anyway!

Good luck!
Reply:You should go to the doctor, it could be skin cancer. Good Luck.
Reply:Talk to a doctor?
Reply:You could be simply having a rash. It can be harsh and many things can build up on your chest. Rashes may cause the skin to change color, itch, become warm, bumpy, dry, cracked or blistered, swell and may be painful. The causes, and therefore treatments for rashes, vary widely. Diagnosis must take into account such things as the appearance of the rash, other symptoms, what the patient may have been exposed to, occupation, and occurrence in family members.
Reply:It could just be an allergy, don't let everyone scare you. I would go to the Doctor and if he can't figure it out have him refer you to a Dermatologist. You may have just developed an allergy to the detergent you use, or if you have feathered pillows, try not to worry but please do see a Doctor.

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