Sunday, July 11, 2010

I have these flea bites, or rash, or something on my body..?

I have these things on my body (on my chest and now appearing on my tummy). It gets worse when I itch (obviously), it actually kind of looks like popped blood vessels. (like how a hiccy would look) But they itch like crazy, mainly on my chest. I do have 2 dogs and I read a few things so I assumed they might be fleas. I am going to bathe body of my dogs tomorrow and give them the flea and tick collar, along with a liquid for them. I am washing my clothes in case there is anything in there.

If it is flea bites, how to I get rid of it?

If it is a rash, how do I stop it from itching and getting rid of it?

If you think it is something else, how do I get rid of it.. thanks

I have these flea bites, or rash, or something on my body..?
Thats hard to tell. I thought I knew what it was until you said it looks like how a hiccy looks. But if it is what I think ur talking about, its just something to do with ur pets and fleas. Or an allergy-related rash maybe?

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