Friday, July 16, 2010

Problems with a tom cat?

I had a cat, Luke, who ran off for some reason last year. 3-4 weeks ago, I heard some hissing from my porch and was shocked when I saw that Luke was there (yes, it's him, he still has his collar %26amp; ID tag), and he was trying to attack one of my cats. I now have 4 cats, 3 females %26amp; 1 male, that live out in our shop/garage, but do like to roam around the yard a bit during the day. Luke comes and goes, but he seems to always pop up whenever I have my cats out and he isn't shy about trying to hurt them. He's even attacked my male cat so bad that the poor thing had to be taken to a vet and have stitches on his leg. I've heard of males trying to hurt other males, but Luke even goes after my female cats. My cats are really quite friendly %26amp; sweet, and they generally try to make nice with Luke but he's just so mean in return. Any advice on what I could do to get Luke to play nice? I didn't want to take him to a shelter and get rid of him unless he just won't cooperate and be friendly to my cats.

Problems with a tom cat?
He sounds like a nice cat,.. but get him neutered, he will run away less,.. if at all AND be a much mellower kitty.

Not a meanie!

Gd. luck.
Reply:From experience. I found that if you have a shoe lace or string of some sort and play with him then the others will play and yes at first Luke won't like it but he may get use to it. The other thing is has he had all of his shots. I.E temperment and is he fixed that may be a problem.
Reply:Neuter him and most of the aggression will go away. In fact you should have all of your pets neutered since they roam around outside. I had a male feral cat that adopted me and he was very rude and nasty to my other cats until I got him fixed. He turned into the nicest cat however the damage was already done to the other cats and they wouldn't have anything to do with him in his nice state. He became a big lazy cat who didn't want anything but love.

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