Friday, July 16, 2010

A friend is here and he says he has a pimple like dot on the side of his neck for 3 years.?

A friend is here and he says he has a pimple like dot on the side of his neck for 3 years.?

When he pops it he says it's filled with white puss and smells really bad. He get's pain in his neck and collar bone and into his jaw (more like tension). What could this be and what kind of natural treatment could be done?

A friend is here and he says he has a pimple like dot on the side of his neck for 3 years.?
i had some thinglike that i was camping and musta gotten bit by a misqueto and well

i had a dot on my neck for about 6 months looked likea third niple

Problems with a tom cat?

I had a cat, Luke, who ran off for some reason last year. 3-4 weeks ago, I heard some hissing from my porch and was shocked when I saw that Luke was there (yes, it's him, he still has his collar %26amp; ID tag), and he was trying to attack one of my cats. I now have 4 cats, 3 females %26amp; 1 male, that live out in our shop/garage, but do like to roam around the yard a bit during the day. Luke comes and goes, but he seems to always pop up whenever I have my cats out and he isn't shy about trying to hurt them. He's even attacked my male cat so bad that the poor thing had to be taken to a vet and have stitches on his leg. I've heard of males trying to hurt other males, but Luke even goes after my female cats. My cats are really quite friendly %26amp; sweet, and they generally try to make nice with Luke but he's just so mean in return. Any advice on what I could do to get Luke to play nice? I didn't want to take him to a shelter and get rid of him unless he just won't cooperate and be friendly to my cats.

Problems with a tom cat?
He sounds like a nice cat,.. but get him neutered, he will run away less,.. if at all AND be a much mellower kitty.

Not a meanie!

Gd. luck.
Reply:From experience. I found that if you have a shoe lace or string of some sort and play with him then the others will play and yes at first Luke won't like it but he may get use to it. The other thing is has he had all of his shots. I.E temperment and is he fixed that may be a problem.
Reply:Neuter him and most of the aggression will go away. In fact you should have all of your pets neutered since they roam around outside. I had a male feral cat that adopted me and he was very rude and nasty to my other cats until I got him fixed. He turned into the nicest cat however the damage was already done to the other cats and they wouldn't have anything to do with him in his nice state. He became a big lazy cat who didn't want anything but love.

What do you think the message of this religious song is?

When I woke up this mornin', I felt a pang.

I was hungerin' for some apple pie.

Stumbled in the bathroom, I hung my hog a little bit;

washed the sleep up out my eye.

Oh yeah, this'll be a fine day.

Scratched myself a bit.

Poured me out a bowl of Corn Chex.

It was the closest thing I could find to apple pie.

Lingerin' taste of toothpaste made the milk go down a bit funny, but ya' know,

Them Chex, they do satisfy.

Oh yeah, this'll be a fine day.

So after my mornin' rise and shine, and eatin' clean,

Had my mind set to hit them streets.

Drizzle from the night left the cold puddles out.

Had my black stomp boots on my feet.

It's my day.

Yeah. It's my day.

Since I was in kneepants my pop had tried to make me realize

If I set my mind down to it, I could be a big man in the public eye, so

With my big blue collar on, I set out to find the easy way.

What an ice-cold bath it was when I found you had to pay to pay to play.

Oh, to taste the taste is a tease that never would subside.

What do you think the message of this religious song is?
The song is "Suck on This" by Primus. I'm not aware that it has any religious connotations at all. Where did you run across it in a religious setting? Maybe praying to the god of Claypool.
Reply:I'll have to read it a few times.
Reply:don't wast time with bad song?
Reply:He likes apple pie. I don't blame him. Not all christian bands do christian songs. For example, Relient K made a song about a Sadie Hawkins dance.
Reply:It's like an anti-capitalist song, about the monotonous and horrible life of the blue-collar worker.
Reply:i dont see anything "religious" at all in this song...

dental coverage

Should i trade in a bump for a huge scar?

i was gonna ask it in the health section but id rather get opinions from hockey fans. Well i broke my collar bone playing hockey and its about 95% healed now but there is a bump right where it broke that looks like it can pop out of my skin (its my bone..and its permanently sticking out there) but the doctor says if i get a little surgery i can get that piece of the bone removed. What do u think i should do?

Should i trade in a bump for a huge scar?
Rub some dirt on it and move on.

Reply:Go with the scar, if you really want to emphasize it, just make sure you are out in the sun. The scar tissue reacts to sunlight and will be darker than surrounding skin.

I had the opposite situation I had facial surgery and I didn't want a 3 inch scar on the left side of my face. The surgeon was able to place the incisions near the laugh lines so the scar is barely noticeable.
Reply:I would take the scar because it makes you look tougher.
Reply:get the sugery and make up a story about the scar
Reply:Yeah, I cracked mine up good awhile back. Had the old figure eight sling. It is all sort of bumpier and uneven to the touch but not really noticable. I would say no. No harm, no foul. Might be different on a girl though.
Reply:Go with the surgery... The scar isn't as big as you think and will fade in time to a little white line... The bump will always be right out there looking at ya...
Reply:If the bone is set firmly in place, then I wouldn't be too worried about it. Unless it's an annoyance, leave the bone how it is. If not, you may put yourself in a good situation to reaggrivate the injury. At least wait until your 100% sure that the collar bone is healed before you hit the ice again!
Reply:Take the scar dude.....The scare will show that your a true athlete and a tough hockeyplayer...You can also show people and say this is how tough and hard i am...

Blisters on my right cheek and right chest, what could they be?

They sort of appeared over night. The first blisters I got was one on my right breast, and two on my right collar bone. They are about 1/2 in. in size. Then there was one on my face, and then a few more came on my face, most the same 1/2 in. size. They seem to be filled with a clear watery liquid and when they pop the skin peels off and it's red and sorta stings when I wash my face. I've been eating soy a lot more than often so I think it might be an allergic reaction to that. I also thought it might be caused by sweat that occurs when I workout, I'm not sure though. Someone please help me!

Blisters on my right cheek and right chest, what could they be?
It could be a number of things. The best way to find out is to see a doctor IMMEDIATELY. Don't put this off. It sounds pretty serious. If you have been tanning whether it be in the sun or a salon it could be that... if not then it could be something more serious.

Please for yourself... go see a doctor!
Reply:have you had chicken pox?
Reply:It`s Herpes simplex a viral infection.

A friend is here and he says he has a pimple like dot on the side of his neck for 3 years.?

is here and he says he has a pimple like dot on the side of his neck for 3 years.?

When he pops it he says it's filled with white puss and smells really bad. He get's pain in his neck and collar bone and into his jaw (more like tension). What could this be and what kind of natural treatment could be done?

A friend is here and he says he has a pimple like dot on the side of his neck for 3 years.?
It's an abscess. My fiance had one for a long time on his face (near his jaw)and kept squeezing the pus out and it would always come back. FINALLY he went to the doctor and with a little bit of freezing, the doc cut it out and sewed him up, easy peasy. It's never come back and hasn't given him any problems since!

Your friend might "know" he has to go to the doctor, but maybe he's afraid that it'll hurt or that he'll find out it's something bad? It sounds like an abscess for sure. The procedure is done with freezing and probably hurts less than when he pops it himself. Plus, it'll never come back! It's worth it for him to go - he'll be so glad he did!
Reply:He needs a doctor to look at it.
Reply:he has an infected hair ,the little booger grew in the wrong way .the only way to cure this is to have it cut out. Ive had one one my back for over 30 years ,that may sound gross, but as I'm under treatment for cancer, I'm not to worried about a zit

How to get rid of hickies?

It's not a bad bad hickie where it's completely red and purple.

It's just a few little dots of red, not so much purple. One right in the front of my neck, which i can't seem to hide and one on the side which my hair can hide.

I just need to now a trick to make it not so red, or something. I tried putting makeup on it, and it didn't really work. It looked like a glob of makeup was on my neck. Plus some little red dots popped up.

It's not that bad, it's really not but if my mom sees it she'll kill me and my boyfriend.

So, how long do you think it'll take to go away?

In the morning or something since it's not a bad one?

Ugggh, please help.

Plus, I have work tomorrow.

The shirt is a collared one and we have to wear our hair up but the one in the middle of my neck won't be covered

How to get rid of hickies?
there is no way to hide hickies, my friend... you can try with makeup but its impossible.

just smash your boyfriend in the face next time he starts doing it, hickies are so tacky.
Reply:Ice makes the swelling go down, but it's basically a bruise, you could try neosporin. Just gotta push him away if he starts being a vaccuum. Make him suck places you can cover easily. :P
Reply:when ur near ur mom accidently hurt yourself in the nec" a little bit, and be like "ooooouuucchhh!! i think i just pinched myself or something!" then ask her if it left a mark, and she will be like oh yes, it did, and she will just assume thats what it is =]
Reply:AHH thanks for asking this!! my bf jjust gave me one last night so im trying to figure a way to hide it from my parents and bros lol!
Reply:umm... get a boyfriend who's a better kisser. Or put some foundation on it...
Reply:put a spoon in the freezer and let it get really cold...then hold it to your neck till the spoon gets warm and it should take away some of the color. And use some cover up and power on it.
Reply:You can put an ice cube on it to reduce some of the redness.

As for how long it takes to go away....I've had some stay on anywhere from a couple hours to like 3 weeks. Just tough it out, I guess.
Reply:stop letting people suck on ur neck.
Reply:hmm.. i think hickies start to disapear after a day or two.
Reply:I get them very easy as I am very fair. When I was younger I got a bad one and I used a brush with rubber tips and brushed it. The hicky was gone the next day! I was told it loosens the blood at the surface. I have also heard of scraping it with a cold spoon. Good luck
Reply:I have heard that holding the back of a spoon to it will make it go away, never seen it work, but it did seem to fade somewhat. Hemorroid creme takes redness out. lol. Green tinted concealer would counteract the red. Yeah you just may be screwed. Try everything and plan on keeping your head down in front of your mom.
Reply:Try rubbing it for 1 minute

It's worked for me and it went in the first hour.
Reply:lol gutz the best way is to just wear a pola neck top but ice or toothpaste is suppose to work
Reply:Just don't get them in the first place.
Reply:i've been told that if you tap

it with a spoon for 50 secs. or a min.

but i don't know

people say it works.

i've never had one ha.
Reply:Hickies are rather disgusting. If your makeup isn't helping, then that really sucks. Next time don't let it get to that point if you're not willing to handle the consequences.
Reply:Put a spoon in the freezer and let it get really cold and apply to your neck.
Reply:Turtel neck if you want to go with the artsy look and polo with the things up if you want to go with the 80's look. Other than that make up might work but not always.
Reply:Hickies are juvenile and tacky.

Try a mineral foundation that applies like a powder, will cover more naturally than that cakey liquid foundation.

Or wear a turtleneck. You'll look like a dweeb, but its better than looking at the hickey.
Reply:haha dont let people do that then lol lame...
Reply:Put a red based lipstick on it, and let it dry. Add darker concealer and let it dry. Add some light colored powder.

dental associates

How can i fix this soon???

im prepared to stay up as late as possible. i have this 19h century shirt that ill be needing to wear tomorow night. It has a high collar and buttons down the back with pouffy sleeves, etc.

heres the problem: something happened to it and now its too short. when i tuck it into the matching skirt it pops out. how might i make it longer, or what can i do to make it stay in the skirt.

sewing it in the skirt is NOT an option. i really dont know what to do. All help is appreciated. Thank you so much.

How can i fix this soon???
Buy a pair of real granny panties and sew the top to the panties or a light panty girdle. That way It stays In place.If you need an opening sew 2 seams across the middle (1/4 Inch apart)of the crotch and cut, then fold back and whip stitch a strip of velcro then you'll have easy access in the garment...Problem solved...Hope this helps...
Reply:I would sew on some lace at the bottom so it

won't matter if the shirt pops out. The lace will look

pretty and add charm. You could even add layers

of lace to hang out over the skirt.
Reply:would wearing a large ribbon sash tied with a big droopy bow in the back fit in with the rest of the outfit? It might help conceal the shirt coming out, or may help keep it tucked in.
Reply:One reason that can be happening is that you need a corset to ofset the breasts sticking out a bit. that will make it longer. Also try to use cloth pins in the inside might help.
Reply:You could try sewing a wide band of tubular ribbing around the bottom.

Is Hyrdocortisone cream safe to use on (or around) stitches on a DOG?

our little morkie (maltese / yorkie) just got spayed and a small lump the size of a pencil eraser removed from her nose. Her Spaying stitches are fine; no problem with them. However, the 7 stitches from the lump removed from her nose seem to be in a high amount of itching discomfort. With "the cone" attached at her collar, she is trying to rub her nose on everything around the house in an attempt to get the itching to stop. If I leave the room i fear she will pop one of the stitches on her nose. With over a week left before the sutures are removed, i was wanting to help the little girl out.

So, is it safe to use a hydrocortisone 1% anti itch cream on or around the stitch areas? I know applying it directly MIGHT not be the best idea... but such things work well enough that if i apply it around the area, it might provide the relief she needs.

if its bad i'll go and wash/disinfect my hands and gently rub around the area. No vets are open today (sunday) and i want her to be comfy! Thanks

Is Hyrdocortisone cream safe to use on (or around) stitches on a DOG?
several years ago i used hydrocortizone spray on my whippet mix, i bought it at petco to soothe a hotspot, he licked it and what started as a hotspot spiraled into cushings disease in 8 weeks, the vet warmed me that hydrocorizone can be extremely dangerous when ingested
Reply:I would think that she could probably lick it off of her nose. That wouldn't be a good thing. She is more then likely trying to get the cone off of her neck. Most animals hate them. Sometimes I think they do more harm then good. I doubt that the stitches are itching at this point. Usually not this soon after surgery. I bet its the cone that she's trying to get rid of. I think it best to leave the area alone. Rubbing around it may make it worse. Will she accept something to eat to help draw her attention away from her face. Maybe go for a short walk or something to distract her. Good luck.
Reply:I'm not a vet but I'd say just as long as it doen't get on the stitches them selves then I really dont see the harm. Just dont over do it.
Reply:I don't know about Hydro cortisone but I do know that you can put Neosporin directly on the stitches. My parents has a dog who had stitches and that is what the vet told them to do and to give him a child's chewable Benadryl tablet to help with the itching.

Cat fleas. has anyone got any ideas?

I heard if you give ur cat garlic it can kill this true.?? i've sprayed him, collar, drops and still can't shift them. anyone got any ideas.he's pure white.(well sometimes he looks like a dalmation when they pop up.) but i can't treat the house properly if i can't get them off him.. any suggestions

Cat fleas. has anyone got any ideas?
buy something thats get rid of flees
Reply:its gross, but i took mine to the vet and they told me to use a childs flea comb on them, the flea stuff for the neck and spray for the house! had to clan nd hoover everywhere, spray the house and brush the cats! fgingers crossed they are ok now! the amount of crap that comes of the comb is gross! made me itch for a week! good luck! lol :)
Reply:Go to the vet and purchase flea medication. You put it on the back of their neck once a month for three months. After the first application, it kills them. It costs somewhere around 50-75 dollars for the medication but worth every penny. Each subsequent month is to just ensure there aren't any living fleams.

It worked wonders because I already had three dogs when I got my cats.I didn't want my dogs getting fleas and they never did becaus this worked on both cats within minutes. This stuff is way better than the cheap walmart flea medication.

Good Luck!
Reply:Garlic is good only if your cat has tape-worms. For the fleas you can use special drops that you must drop directly on the fleas. Good luck.
Reply:I have heard about the garlic. My dad gives his dog garlic supplements and he swears that he hasn't seen any fleas on his dog. However, frontline is what is recommended for fleas by my groomer. She swears by it. It is expensive though.
Reply:Maybe arrange for your cat to have a flea dip at a groomers while you bomb the house with the proper treatment. We have 2 cats who are treated with frontline/advantix/advantage as needed %26amp; within 24 hours the poor critters finally stop their scratching. It is expensive but it works!

The garlic may work for a few fleas but not for all - it sounds like your poor kitty is infested. Try adding the garlic to food regularly once he %26amp; your house have been successfully treated as a preventative. Best of Luck
Reply:All you need to do is use a good quality spot on treatment, for two months. Advantage is one of the best.

Then at the first signs of scratching or twitching start another two month course.

Hope this helps, it works for me and I have a multi cat household and suffer from flea allergies myself.
Reply:Frontline Spot on, and then at the same time treat the house.

I wouldn't give your cat garlic.
Reply:yes garlic can help, but garlic can also be very bad for a cat or dog, if given too much.

there are many products on the market which you can use to get rid of fleas in the house... the more you pay for the product, the more effective it will be, by the way. You wil also need to change your vaccum bag frequently (flea eggs can hatch inside a vacuum bag).

as for your cat, if you are using Hartz flea drop products, stop now. Hartz has been known to cause serious illness and even death in some cats.

I recommend taking the cat to the vet to get good advice about treatment for fleas on your cat. Let the vet know what you have done so far, so he is aware of any flea drops which may have been administered recently.

I have also listed a few websites for you to check out. Perhaps you can do it yourself!!!

take care ok?
Reply:Garlic powder does not really work.

I recommend you use veterinary licensed products to use on both:

- your cat: Frontline Spot On for example

- your house: Staykill Household Spray for example

I f you struggle with cash, you may search the net for the above products and obtain them at a discount price.
Reply:Dont know about the garlic but the best ive used is Frontline drops on the cat in conjunction with hoovering then spraying the house with Frontline you obtain both from your veterinary surgery.Fleas have a cycle the female lays eggs that fall off the animal they become larva which then change to pupae in turn they emerge into adult fleas and the cycle begins again.By thoroughly hoovering then spraying the house in conjunction with applying drops to the cat you will eventually break the life cycle.
Reply:got to the vet and get flea medicine it will get rid of them.
Reply:The best thing for fleas are the front line fee treat ment. You can only get them from the vets. They are about £15 for 3 treatments and they last 5 weeks each it keeps flees off not just killsthem. It works by putting somthing in the blood system so when th flees back it reacts with them.

There is also fel combs that you can pck up for less than a £1(bout 40p from wilkos)

When you have got rid of the flees a regular dose of the flee threatment is good, and you can by anit flee shampoo too witch i find brill ( i found some in wilkos too cheap and effective)

If you cant get your cat a flee collar thats good too.

Hope this helps
Reply:Dunno about the garlic....but i very much doubt it! Getting rid of fleas is easy, get some Frontline from the Vets. Its a liquid you put on the back of a cats neck and it kills the fleas. If you don't treat it, it'll just get much much worse and you'll be bitten to hell and back!
Reply:Never tried it. I use Stonghold on mine and it seems to work. A little dab on the back of their necks, after a major struggle and all that!

In UK this one needs a prescription so I have to get it from a vet.
Reply:take you cat to the vets and get either frontline or advantage flea medication. collars do not work and neither do most products that grocery and pet stores sell.

Behavior problems... can you help?

My white german shepherd, Lily, is 14 weeks old. We never leave her home alone unless it's for a short shopping trip, since I work in the mornings until four and don't work every day, and my husband goes to work at five. We spend a lot of time with her, and have ever since we got her when she was 8 weeks old. I've gotten four different books (The Art of Raising a Puppy, Kathy Santo's Dog Sense, For the Love of the Dog, and Why does my dog act this way?) and we have put a lot of time and effort into training her, but she still has a lot of problems.

First off, I want to mention that she was breed well. I have loads of information on her blood line and her parents were beautiful, well-mannered, championship dogs. I wanted to take them home with me when I met them. Lily is cute, but that can hardly keep her out of trouble forever. She constantly bites - it's like she has no urge to do anything else. In order to pet her or rub her tummy, you have to keep her from biting you the whole time, and it's left so many injuries on my husband and I. We've tried everything, from a "soft mouth" bite inhabition aproach, yelping like a puppy everytime she bites and ignoring her when she continues, closing her mouth shut and saying "close your mouth, no no bite", looking her in the eyes while grabbing the scruff of her neck, trying to use our finger to pinch her gums while she is biting, to hiting her on her nose. This is really bad though, and we have been persistent when trying to teach her. When we try the ignore method, she won't even let us get away without biting us like five times more. It's impossible to really get away, and she tears our clothes. She doesn't care one bit when we ignore her, if we ever successfully do, and the next time you see her she's ready to bite your hand off again... and these are not tolerable bites. When we yelp, she hardly responds. Like maybe once she'll cock her head to the side, but then continue to bite and she'll just get really excited and start biting more with a playful growl. The ONLY thing she responds to is getting hit on her nose or head when she bites, and this is a technique that my husband and I do NOT approve of and do not wish to use with her, but it's the only way we can get her to stop in some situations. Even then she'll come back to bite maybe five more times, and when we say "NO" in a deep growl and hit her she gets all mad and excited (biting even more) until she finally feels bad and leaves... but later it's the same thing all over again. I do not wish to use any "painful" techniques and I feel that hiting her makes everything about dominance and who's stronger. This is not a relationship I want with my dog, especially since her dad outweighed me by 15 pounds! Who knows how big she'll get.

It's near impossible to hook her leash onto her collar when taking her for a walk because of her biting. Even though she wants to go outside, she'll bite our hands and arms terribly and then the leash until you finally get her outside. It's a struggle to do anything with her. Even when we play with her, when she brings back the toy and we take it to throw again, we have to put up with her biting us until we throw it again. Ignoring her and stopping play does nothing, she'll just run back and start attacking you like nobody's business.

She screams like crazy when we put her in her "crate"... and we were dumb enough to get a collapsable one that's soft. So all night she screams and cries and bites the thing to wear it pops up and down and up and down. When we put her in the crate for biting she doesn't understand at all, and she screams like we're killing her. I can't even describe it, it's awful.

Also, she's not really a "destructive dog" as she doesn't tear up the house when we leave her alone, but she does however rip apart paper in the trash can if we leave the bathroom door open while we're here. She also has chewed the corner of one door frame and ripped a vertical molding type thing off of the wall in our bedroom. No idea how we're going to fix that. :(

She also is less potty trained now than ever. She will use the bathroom outside, but she'll use the bathroom inside almost as quickly. Even though she has no problem scratching on our bedroom door while we're asleep to let us know she's bored, she will not scratch on the front/back doors to let us know she wants to go out. Sometimes she'll let out one small whine somewhere in the house and then that's it. She'll never come up to you or really do anything as a "sign". We take her outside soooo often, and it's consuming our life! Last night alone we took her outside at 2 o'clock, 5 o'clock, 7 o'clock, and then 11 this morning... and this is after we've had her for six weeks! Of course after all that, she still pooped in the kitchen after we let her out into the rest of the house because she was chewing the molding. At least she only pees/poops in the office and the kitchen... I would not be able to put up with it the two bedrooms. I feel disgusted every time I come in our office even after all of my cleaning it up and Lysoling the carpet. Should we buy training pads for her?

Sorry for the long post... I need all the help I can get!!!

Behavior problems... can you help?
Wow. You really have some issues with Lily. Part of it is that she is still a puppy, and I can tell you that these things will go away. At least part of her biting problem is because she's a puppy, and it hurts even more because she's got sharp puppy teeth. It's normal for puppies to be really mouthy and need to bite a lot of stuff to relieve the teething. However, I do think she's biting too much.

Getting up at all hours of the night to take her out, is unfortunately another normal puppy thing. We went through this with our dog when he was potty training. Dogs can't hold it that long until they're a little older. Maybe 2-4 hours. But it does eventually get better. The most important thing you can do for your dog's potty training is to resolve the crate training issue. Crate training is the best way to potty train, and you need to have a crate trained dog for other reasons, like if you ever have to leave for long periods of time or take her on a trip. This is what I'd do: I'd either put her in the crate and let her howl for a few weeks, and get myself some ear plugs, or get her a bark collar for when she goes in the crate. Get her one that beeps or sprays citronella, not the shock kind. It will beep/spray when she barks, and she won't like it, but it will quickly correct her barking and howling in the crate. The only problem with this is that she won't be able to bark when she needs out to go potty, so you'll have to pay special attention to when she might need to go. With my foster dogs, I crate train all of them. Even if it kills me, I just let them howl all night. It's hard, but it's what's best for me and them. But I have used bark collars before with a lot of success.

The house destruction is probably part of her being a mouthy chewy puppy. It probably won't continue, just correct her if you catch her doing it. Unfortunately, you'll just have to wait until she outgrows it, and then try to repair what she's done.

For the smell in your carpet, I'd recommend buying a carpet steam cleaner. It is the best $100 I've ever spent. To treat a spot, I buy this stuff called Nature's Miracle or mix some OxiClean in water and pour it on the stain. I try to do this right after the dog makes the mess. I soak up the pee with a paper towel, then soak the area in OxiClean/Nature's Miracle. Then I soak that up with a paper towel. Then I use the steam cleaner on it with pet odor shampoo. People even come over and tell me my house smells good!!!! Even after all the dogs who have peed on my floor lol.

Since you've got a pup who's going to be very large, I think you should take her to obedience classes now. She has to learn that you are in charge, period. Especially if she's going to be bigger than you. German Shepherds can be very well trained, well behaved dogs, but it takes lots of training. I think she's ready now for a puppy class. With all commands, she's going to learn she has to obey you, and that will help with all her problems, even the biting. She has to learn to submit to you. So you'll have to be very on top of things with her obedience training.

The biting- this is where I think you might have a real problem. I think I know what you are talking about, because I once handled a German Shepherd puppy who constantly attacked my arms and legs, and it was even scary! I had never seen a pup like that. I am assuming you are talking about that kind of problem. The important thing to understand here is that if you don't get this under control, you might have a dog so out of control that she has to be put down. She's a puppy now, but imagine her acting like this when she's older. It looks like you have tried every possible way of fixing this, and she isn't responding. I really think you'll have better luck with this as her obedience training comes along. Usually, I don't suggest such heavy handed methods, but it looks like you have tried everything else, so here's what I would try now: a shock collar; continuing hitting her on the nose, filling a can with coins and shaking it at her when she bites, rattling newspaper at her (don't have to hit her), or getting a spray bottle filled with water and spray her in the face when she bites. I know you don't want to have this kind of relationship with your dog, but with a breed like a German Shepherd, you have to. You have to have a relationship where she understands that you are the leader and she must obey you. If all this doesn't work, call a dog behaviorist to work with you, because this is serious. I really hope you can get things going better with her. Good luck!
Reply:My best advice is if you have the National Geographic channel watch "The Dog Whisperer" and watch several episodes, you already know the "Training Basics" but what you need is not Dog Training, it is Dog Psycology. The main problem is that she does not see you as the Alpha. The alpha dog is not a chew toy! You establish this by setting rules, boundaries and limitations. You will learn more about that if you watch "The Dog Whisperer". I was an assistant dog trainer for 2 years and I have learned a lot by watching those shows. There is clearly a difference between dog training and dog psycology. If you do not have the National Geographic channel there are DVD's of "The Dog Whisperer" available, maybe you can even check them out at the library, I am not sure on that. But the key is to not treat your dog like a human, treat it like a dog. What I mean by that is take a wolf pack for example..The alpha does not ask the Beta dogs if it is OK for them to do something they just do it, they eat first because they claim the food. They lead the pack and the others follow, they do not ask if they want to follow or if they are ready, they just lead. Own your space and she will give you respect and you don't have to beat her in any way. If she is doing something wrong just touch, don't push. don't hit. If you pin a dog and you use force to do this the dog learns that you are just being forceful and you do not know how to dominate. You should be able to pin the dog with one hand and only let the dog up when it relaxes. You want your attitude to be calm assertive and the dogs to be calm submissive. If it is not that way then you can not move forward. I would highly suggest you watch the shows and watch several it will be well worth the investment. I have used his techniques on my own dog who is dog aggressive, he resource guards me around other dogs. I have had great sucess. I can easily take him to Pets Mart by myself and even carry stuff I have bought and always maintain control of him. Before I watched the shows, with all of my "training" knowledge all I had was a dog who refused to listen. That is where the "pshcology" part helped immensely. I no longer approached him like I was a victim of a unruly dog. I approached him like I was the owner of a well mannered dog. On the walk you want to lead the dog, do not allow the dog to lead you (tells the dog it is the dominant one) and if you use a choke chain have it high up on the neck. (regardless of the type of collar you use) If she starts to pull or go after another dog, or starts to chew on you then just give a quick pop on the leash. If she is getting unruly you can tap her in the belly with your heel. Do not kick her, just a tap, that usually snaps them back to reality at least for a second. Own your space and everything in it. when you "claim" something do not take it from her or push her away, put your hand or foot on it and allow her to back away. If she wants to chew on you use a broom or tennis racket or anything as an extension of your body, put that between you and the dog, don't push her with it, allow her to chose to respect it. But that way she can't chew on you cause there is something in the way. The best way I can help you is again, watch the shows, that is where I gained most of my knowledge on treating behaviors.
Reply:Ok, wow. For the biting, when she bites grab her lower jaw, say "NO" and stare at her until she looks away first. Repeat this everytime she bites. The lower jaw is the part or the skull with all the closing power. If you disable the lower jaw she will be unable to bite you, she can still breathe fine and it doesn't hurt her in the least. It will bruise her ego and scare her because she will have absolutely no control over her own mouth and will cry a lot. It should help to make her understand that you do not approve of this behavior. The plus side to this is it doesn't matter how big the dog is, grabbing the lower jaw will disable their ability to bite until you decide it's time to release them.

This is a bit extreme and I don't like doing it because it does stress out the dog but it does get the message across without hurting you or the dog.

Otherwise I would highly suggest hiring in a trainer for some serious one on one time. She is in serious need of some training. And since I'm not a certified trainer I can't really give you anymore info than what I've learned from experiance.

Good luck!
Reply:Most of what you are describing is typical puppy behavior.... the biting. A three pound puppy will act the same way because of the teething. And yes, believe me, I know it hurts. I've been through "puppydom" a few times. Everything you are doing is correct.... but just like a typical baby, her attention span is short, so just keep at the " NO BITE" over and over.

The potty training is a concern. Are you giving her much praise and a doggy treat when she does her business outdoors? Really, she does not need to go out during the night that often. Training pads should help.

Also, doggy obedience will help Lily too. Just don't give up... when she's an adult, Lily will be a loving and obedient dog. There's is light at the end of this tunnel!!!
Reply:Like the other people will say. it is teething. People I babysit for just got a puppy. He is never scolded. I got bitten really hard and it is just a stage. If it persists it could be a problem. I currently have three dogs, all five years apart with the youngest is one. The crate should not be a bad place all the time unless they do something like almost get hit by a car. Also if the crate isn't in your room put it in there. If you don't mind that is. It is the only way to quiet her is if she can hear you breathing. Put a stuffed animal or two in there to sleep with too if she was in a litter for the whole time before you got her. It might help. The leash, she should be told the sit first and be calm before you attempt to do anything with it. We go by a simple "No." If they hear no they know they have done something wrong. A light tap on the nose isn't harmful for a dog. It shows they you are correcting them. A dog's stomach is very vulnerable when they are a puppy so she may not like it much. We don't do this but our neighbors pin their puppy on his back and look him in the eye when he is very rialled up. He starts to whimper when he calms down. It is not something I would use but you could try it. When you tell the puppy no bite try to give her something else to chew on that is hers. Like a bone or toy.
Reply:i can help with the biting its natural she is obviously teething

she needs something okay for her to chew

when she uses, it praise her, when she doesn't, scold her

it should work
Reply:I'm going through the same problem. I suggest the potty training pads. They are working for me. Keep it in one location so your dog will know this is the only spot he is to go(bathroom). It's helped a lot. Praise her when she goes on the pads as well as when you see her outside. You need to praise imediatly after, so she knows what you are praising her for. She'll catch on. As for the biting, she is teething and this is normal. You just need to teach her what she can chew. Buy some chew toys and when she starts to chew on you, firmly so no, and give her a chew toy instead. Be patient and persistant and she will catch on. It sounds like she is also a little confused with the crate thing. The crate should be a place that she feels safe. You are putting her in a crate for punishing her for the biting. Now, when she is in the crate she knows it's for punishment and she will want to get out, because she feels it's a bad place. Keep the crate open and put a blanket and some of her favorite things in there so she can get reaqainted to the crate and feel safe when she is in there. I use it when we leave to the store and at night. He finally is use to it and goes in there by himself now when it is bed time. If you catch her peeing or pooping, pick her up right away and put her on the pad or outside right away. It's important that you catch her doing it. If you dont. then dont bother scolding her as she will get confused. The main thing to a healthy tamed animal is to be persistant, and let her know you love her. It takes time and they just want to please you. Get Traing Pads today and a new crate. One more thing I never spank or hit my dog. They will learn from your tone of voice what is right or wrong.
Reply:Uh - she's fourteen weeks old.

Follow the teaching in the Monk's book, to the letter, as it applies (note there are some age appropriate do's and don'ts).
Reply:I would contact a professional trainer for this dog. You obviously care for this animal, and are trying to go at her training systematically, but Lily has some problems,as you know. They are somewhat serious, especially the biting. She is young, though, and this is in her favor. But you need to get started with a professional right away so these traits don't become ingrained or get even worse.
Reply:I have a shepherd. I trained her to chew on plastic water/soda bottles as a pup. I took her everywhere with me as well. On 2 trips from Calif. to Texas and back I played with her in our van with the plastic bottles. Its a reward and a fun game for her. She has never eaten any of my furniture, cats or family members. I use baby gates to direct my dogs to rooms they are allowed to be in and installed a doggy door in my back door to allow free access to the back yard. I have 4 large dogs. My big girl will sit and scratch the hallway walls at all hours to get our attention. I gave her an old t-shirt I had worn for 2 days and a plastic bottle /cap on. I have to hear her chewing up the bottle but at least She is not howling for me to get up cause she is bored.

I have always pinched the inside of a dogs lip when it tried to nip me. If that doesn't stop it then I use my hand like it's mother's mouth and bite the dogs neck and hold it down until it submits. You must be calm and assertive when you do this.

Get Cesar Milan's book. "Cesar's Way". I bought the Dog Whisperer videos.
Reply:The first thing I suggest is that you stop and I mean stop every single thing you are doing that involves touching your dog in a negative way.

No more pinching, pulling, hitting, grabbing and so on!!! Stop it now. Go to the Petsmart class. It is a very good start for the price and if you pay attention and practice religiously at home, you will be greatly rewarded.

You are trying to teach too many things to such a young pup AND you keep changing the method and what you want from him. Your puppy is so confused he has chosen to ignore you. You are driving him insane from his point of view.

The keys to successful puppy training are consistency, patience and use of positive reinforcement. Everyone in the household must be consistent and work with the puppy in the same manner. Training should be fun for everyone, including the puppy. Children should be monitored to ensure the puppy’s safety and to ensure that they aren’t teaching the puppy the wrong behavior.

Always reward your dog for good behavior and NEVER punish for bad behavior.

Corrections reinforce the bad behavior and cause avoidance. Behavior that continues to occur is rewarding. If you have been correcting your dog for something and it still does it, the correction is rewarding the bad behavior or the behavior is more rewarding than the correction.

The correction probably only caused your dog to be scared of you, not the behavior. If your dog is chewing the rug and you correct chewing you are not teaching your dog what to chew, you are negatively reinforcing chewing. If you negatively reinforce chewing you are reinforcing chewing.

Punishment and corrections are generally ineffective and will not eliminate the unwanted behavior. Punishment (and the punisher) will be avoided, not the behavior. Your dog will learn to jump on your side.

When not given choices, dogs will be slow to give up behavior even if that behavior results in pain or punishment. Without being taught to do something else your dog will become frustrated and continue the bad behavior. And if you don't teach your dog what to do instead you won’t correct the bad behavior.

People are so busy trying to stop their dog from doing what they don’t want, and approach training them by correcting bad behavior that they have forgotten the most important thing! What do you want your dog to be doing instead? If your dog is sitting it can't be jumping. Get your dog to sit, don’t correct it for jumping.

Corrections can cause fear and aggression. Corrections often cause your dog to be scared of you, not the behavior. Your dog could learn to avoid you and defend himself from you. Your dog could feel confronted by you and challenge you. This will lead to aggression. Corrections can cause aggression. This is why dogs turn on people.

Dogs really don’t do bad things. At least from their point of view they aren’t bad… we have to teach our pets what to do so they won’t misbehave. Not correct them for misbehaving. A dog can only do what you let him do. A dog should not know any better and won’t until you teach him. . It takes training not correcting.

These are books I think will help you more, toss the Monks in the trash. I was trained by Petsmart as a trainer, and for the cost, you won't be sorry, but remember, continue training, don't stop there. Each stage of your dogs life brings on new challenges and YOU must be prepared to teach him correctly and humanely. I wish you luck, be patient and NEVER stop teaching.

Advise from Victoria's Stilwell;

"Owners often think that once a dog is trained, there is no need to carry on. But your dog never stops learning, and training should be reinforced throughout your pet's life."

- For small dogs: Little Dogs: Training Your Pint-Sized Companion (Paperback)

by Deborah Wood (Author)

- The Power of Positive Dog Training by Pat Miller and Jean Donaldson

- The Other End of the Leash by Patricia McConnell

- Feisty Fido by Patricia B. McConnell (Author), Karen B. London (Author)

- Dog Language: An Encyclopedia of Canine Behavior by Roger Abrantes, Alice Rasmussen, and Sarah Whitehead

- The Dog's Mind: Understanding Your Dog's Behavior (Howell Reference Books) by Bruce Fogle and Anne B. Wilson

- Feeling Outnumbered? How to Manage and Enjoy Your Multi-Dog Household. by Karen B. London

- I'll be Home Soon by Patricia B McConnell

- For the Love of a Dog: Understanding Emotion in You and Your Best Friend, by Patricia B. McConnell (Author)

- Family Friendly Dog Training: A Six Week Program for You and Your Dog by Patricia B McConnell; PhD and Aimee M Moore

- Outwitting Dogs: Revolutionary Techniques For Dog Training That Work! by Terry Ryan and Kirsten Mortensen

- Don't Shoot the Dog!: The New Art of Teaching and Training by Karen Pryor

- 1000 Best Dog Training Secrets (1000 Best) by Robyn Achey and Bill Gorton

- It's Not the Dogs, It's the People! A Dog Trainer's Guide to Training Humans by Nicole Wilde

- The Cautious Canine Paperback by Patricia B. McConnell

- The Body Language and Emotion of Dogs: A Practical Guide to the Physical and Behavioral Displays Owners and Dogs Exchange and How to Use Them to Create a Lasting Bond by Myrna M. Milani

- How to be the Leader of the Pack...And have Your Dog Love You For It. by Patricia B. McConnell (Author)
Reply:First of all, you got some good books, but a couple of them I have not read myself. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but the way you are doing thew yelp is not the correct way of doing it. By the way you discribe it, you are sitting there and she bites you and you yelp. But then what? You said she is continuing to bite you after you yelp. One of the best books I ever read was called "The Dog Listener" by Jan Fennell. It discribes in detail the yelp process. What you are suppose to do is the following. You are playing with her and she bites you. Yell really load "OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Then you have to put her down, away from you so you are not touching her. I know, you say but then she just comes running back up to start again. You don't let her. Once you put her down you get up and walk away. Go in another room, keep walking away from her if she is chasing after you. If she continues to chase after you after five minutes, give her a toy then walk away. Be percentant. Do not say anything, do not look at her, do not touch her. Just like Cesar says, no touch no talk, no eye contact. Another thing, get a better crate. I recommend the smaller hard pet taxies that are used for airline travel. You don't want a big one. Put it in a room that is the furthest from yours and if possible far from the living area. When it is bed time, put her in the crate, and leave, do not make a big deal of it, calmly big her up, put her in the crate, turn around and walk out, do not say a word. Most people don't realize but alot of times, just saying "OK, we have to go, you be a good girl" can have an excited tone to it that the puppy will pick up on and this will cause the puppy to get excited. Don;t think, "Ok you are going in the crate now" just do it, dogs don't think they just react, you must do the same. Also, when you get the crate, you need to get one just big enough for her to stand up and turn around. IF the whining continues, you can do things like put a blanket over the crate, and turning off the light. You have to ignore the behavior, it is the hardest thing to do. Also, turn on a radio in the room she is in, or better yet, a sound machine. We have one of those that has like wave sounds. Very calming sounds. I have an 9 month old and I have already been through a lot of this, and I use to rescue German Shepherds and have dealt with just about every issue there is. I know it may sound like I am telling you to do exactly what you already have been doing, but take a step back, if you need too, film yourself, it doesn't sound like you are doing things correctly. Make sure you are not free feeding her also. Free feeding can cause a lot of behavior issues as well as potty training issues. Also, check out the book I suggested. If you don't get anything else from this answer, take that into consideration.

tooth decay

What you think of this Prince article?

John Nelson turns sixty-nine today, and all the semiretired piano man wants for his birthday is to shoot some pool with his firstborn son. "He's real handy with a cue," says Prince, laughing, as he threads his old white T-bird through his old black neighborhood toward his old man's house. "He's so cool. The old man knows what time it is." Hard time is how life has traditionally been clocked in North Minneapolis; this is the place 'Time' forgot twelve years ago when the magazine's cover trumpeted "The Good Life in Minnesota," alongside a picture of Governor Wendell Anderson holding up a walleye. Though tame and middle-class by Watts and Roxbury standards, the North Side offers some of the few mean streets in town. The old sights bring out more Babbitt than Badass is Prince as he leads a leisurely tour down the main streets of his inner-city Gopher Prairie. He cruises slowly, respectfully: stopping completely at red lights, flicking on his turn signal even when no one's at an intersection. Gone is the wary Kung Fu Grasshopper voice with which Prince whispers when meeting strangers or accepting Academy Awards. Cruising peacefully with the window down, he's proof in a paisley jump suit that you can always go home again, especially if you never really left town. Tooling through the neighborhood, Prince speaks matter-of-factly of why he toyed with early interviewers about his father and mother, their divorce and his adolescent wanderings between the homes of his parents, friends and relatives. "I used to tease a lot of journalists early on," he says, "because I wanted them to concentrate on the music and not so much on me coming from a broken home. I really didn't think that was important. What was important was what came out of my system that particular day. I don't live in the past. I don't play my old records for that reason. I make a statement, then move on to the next." The early facts, for the neo-Freudians: John Nelson, leader of the Prince Rogers jazz trio, knew Mattie Shaw from North Side community dances. A singer sixteen years John's junior, Mattie bore traces of Billie Holiday in her pipes and more than a trace of Indian and Caucasian in her blood. She joined the Prince Rogers trio, sang for a few years around town, married John Nelson and dropped out of the group. She nicknamed her husband after the band; the son who came in 1958 got the nickname on his birth certificate. At home and on the street, the kid was "Skipper." Mattie and John broke up ten years later, and Prince began his domestic shuttle. "That's where my mom lives," he says nonchalantly, nodding toward a neatly trimmed house and lawn. "My parents live very close by each other, but they don't talk. My mom's the wild side of me; she's like that all the time. My dad's real serene; it takes the music to get him going. My father and me, we're one and the same." A wry laugh. "He's a little sick, just like I am." "That was the church I went to growing up," says Prince. "I wonder who's getting married." A fat little kid waves, and Prince waves back. "Just all kinds of things here," he goes on, turning right. "There was a school right there, John Hay. That's where I went to elementary school," he says, pointing out a field of black tar sprouting a handful of bent metal basketball rims. "And that's where my cousin lives. I used to play there every day when I was twelve, on these streets, football up and down this block. That's his father out there on the lawn." These lawns are where Prince the adolescent would also amuse his friends with expert Prince is fiddling with the tape deck inside the T-Bird. On low volume comes his unreleased "Old Friends 4 Sale," an arrow-to-the-heart rock ballad about trust and loss. Unlike "Positively 4th Street" -- which Bob Dylan reputedly named after a nearby Minneapolis block -- the lyrics are sad, not bitter. "I don't know too much about Dylan," says Prince, "but I respect him a lot. 'All Along the Watchtower' is my favorite of his. I heard it first from Jimi Hendrix." He turns onto Plymouth, the North Side's main strip. When Martin Luther King got shot, it was Plymouth Avenue that burned. "We used to go to that McDonald's there," he says. "I didn't have any money, so I'd just stand outside there and smell stuff. Poverty makes people angry, brings out their worst side. I was very bitter when I was young. I was insecure and I'd attack anybody. I couldn't keep a girlfriend for two weeks. We'd argue about anything." Across the street from McDonald's, Prince spies a smaller landmark. He points to a vacant corner phone booth and remembers a teenage fight with a strict and unforgiving father. "That's where I called my dad and begged him to take me back after he kicked me out," he begins softly. "He said no, so I called my sister and asked her to ask him. So she did, and afterward told me that all I had to do was call him back, tell him I was sorry, and he's take me back. So I did, and he still said no. I sat crying at that phone booth for two hours. That's the last time I cried.In the years between that phone-booth breakdown and today's pool game came forgiveness. Says Prince, "Once I made it, got my first record contract, got my name on a piece of paper and a little money in my pocket, I was able to forgive. Once I was eating every day, I became a much nicer person." But it took many more years for the son to understand what a jazzman father needed to survive. Prince figured it out when he moved into his purple house. "I can be upstairs at the piano, and Rande [his cook] can come in," he says. "Her footsteps will be in a different time, and it's real weird when you hear something that's a totally different rhythm than what you're playing. A lot of times that's mistaken for conceit or not having a heart. But it's not. And my dad's the same way, and that's why it was hard for him to live with anybody. I didn't realize that until recently. When he was working or thinking, he had a private pulse going constantly inside him. I don't know, your bloodstream beats differently." Prince pulls the T-Bird into an alley behind a street of neat frame houses, stops behind a wooden one-car garage and rolls down the window. Relaxing against a tree is a man who looks like Cab Calloway. Dressed in a crisp white suit, collar and tie, a trim and smiling John Nelson adjusts his best cuff links and waves. "Happy birthday," says the son. "Thanks," says the father, laughing. Nelson says he's not even allowing himself a piece of cake on his birthday. "No, not this year," he says with a shake of the head. Pointing at his son, Nelson continues, "I'm trying to take off ten pounds I put on while visiting him in Los Angeles. He eats like I want to eat, but exercises, which I certainly don't." Father then asks son if maybe he should drive himself to the pool game so he won't have to be hauled all the way back afterward. Prince says okay, and Nelson, chuckling, says to the stranger, "Hey, let me show you what I got for my birthday two years ago." He goes over to the garage and gives a tug on the door handle. is a An "That. "We used parts of my past and present to make the story pop more, but it was a story. My dad wouldn't have nothing to do with guns. He never swore, still doesn't, and never drinks." Prince looks in his rearview mirror at the car tailing him. "He don't look sixty-nine, do he? He's so cool. He's got girlfriends, lots of 'em." Prince drives alongside two black kids walking their bikes. "Hey, Prince," says one casually. "Hey," says the driver with a nod, "how you doing?" Passing by old neighbors watering their lawns and shooting hoops, the North Side's favorite son talks about his hometown. "I wouldn't move, just cuz I like it here so much. I can go out and not get jumped on. It feels good not to be hassled when I dance, which I do a lot. It's not a think of everybody saying, 'Whoa, who's out with who here?' while photographers flash their bulbs in your face." Nearing the turnoff that leads from Minneapolis to suburban Eden Prairie, Prince flips in another tape and peeks in the rearview mirror. John Nelson is still right behind. "It's real hard for my father to show emotion," says Prince, heading onto the highway. "He never says, 'I love you,' and when we hug or something, we bang our heads together like in some Charlie Chaplin movie. But a while ago, he was telling me how I always had to be careful. My father told me, 'If anything happens to you, I'm gone.' All I thought at first was that it was a real nice thing to say. But then I thought about it for a while and realized something. That was my father's way of saying 'I love you.'" A few minutes later, Prince and his father pull in front of the Warehouse, a concrete barn in an Eden Prairie industrial park. Inside, the Family, a rock-funk band that Prince has been working with, is pounding out new songs and dance routines. The group is as tight as ace drummer Jellybean Johnson's pants. At the end of one hot number, Family members fall on their backs, twitching like fried eggs. Prince and his father enter to hellos from the still-gyrating band. Prince goes over to a pool table by the soundboard, racks the balls and shimmies to the beat of the Family's next song. Taking everything in, John Nelson gives a professional nod to the band, his son's rack job and his own just-chalked cue. He hitches his shoulders, takes aim and breaks like Minnesota Fats. A few minutes later, the band is still playing and the father is still shooting. Prince, son to this father and father to this band, is smiling. THE NIGHT BEFORE, in the Warehouse, Prince is about to break his three-year public silence. Wearing a jump suit, powder-blue boots and a little crucifix on a chain, he dances with the Family for a little while, plays guitar for a minute, sings lead for a second, then noodles four-handed keyboard with Susannah Melvoin, Wendy's identical-twin sister. Seeing me at the door, Prince comes over. "Hi," he whispers, offering a hand, "want something to eat or drink?" On the table in front of the band are piles of fruit and a couple bags of Doritos. Six different kinds of tea sit on a shelf by the wall. No drugs, no booze, no coffee. Prince plays another lick or two and watches for a few more minutes, then waves goodbye to the band and heads for his car outside the concrete barn. "I'm not used to this," mumbles Prince, staring straight ahead through the windshield of his parked car. "I really thought I'd never do interviews again." we drive for twenty minutes, talking about Minnesota's skies, air and cops. Gradually, his voice comes up, bringing with it inflections, hand gestures and laughs. faced icons of Yahweh or Lucifer. "We're here," Monroe to talk to. Indeed, if a real-estate agent led a tour through Prince's house, one would guess that the resident was, at most, a hip suburban surgeon who likes deep-pile carpeting. "Hi," says Rande, from the kitchen, "you got a couple of messages." Prince thanks her and offers up some homemade chocolate-chip cookies. He takes a drink from a water cooler emblazoned with a Minnesota North Stars sticker and continues the."This place," he says, "is not a prison. And the only things it's a shrine to are Jesus, love and peace." Off the kitchen is a living room that holds nothing your aunt wouldn't have in her house. On the mantel are framed pictures of family and friends, including one of John Nelson playing a guitar. There's a color TV and VCR, a long coffee table supporting a dish of jellybeans, and a small silver unicorn by the mantel. Atop the large mahogany piano sits an oversize white Bible. The only unusual thing in either of the two guest bedrooms is a two-foot statue of a smiling yellow gnome covered by a swarm of butterflies. One of the monarchs is flying out of a heart-shaped hole in the gnome's chest. "A friend gave that to me, and I put it in the living room," says Prince. "But some people said it scared them, so I took it out and put it in here." Downstairs from the living room is a narrow little workroom with recording equipment and a table holding several notebooks. "Here's where I recorded all of 1999," says Prince, "all right in this room." On a low table in the corner are three Grammys. "Wendy," says Prince, "has got the Academy Award." The work space leads into the master bedroom. It's nice. And...normal. No torture devices or questionable appliances, not even a cigarette butt, beer tab or tea bag in sight. A four-poster bed above plush white carpeting, some framed pictures, one of Marilyn Monroe. A small lounging area off the bedroom provides a stereo, a lake-shore view and a comfortable place to stretch out on the floor and talk. And talk he did -- his first interview in three years. A few hours later, Prince is kneeling in front of the VCR, showing his "Raspberry Beret" video. He explains why he started the clip with a prolonged clearing of the throat. "I just did it to be sick, to do something no one else would do." He pauses and contemplates. "I turned on MTV to see the premiere of 'Raspberry Beret' and Mark Goodman was talking to the guy who discovered the backward message on 'Darling Nikki.' They were trying to figure out what the cough meant too, and it was sort of funny." He pauses again. "But I'm not getting down on him for trying. I like that. I've always had little hidden messages, and I always will." He then plugs in a videocassette of "4 the Tears in Your Eyes," which he's just sent to the Live Aid folks for the big show. "I hope they like it," he said, shrugging his shoulders. change clothes." He comes back a couple minutes later wearing another paisley jump suit, "the only kind of clothes I own." And the boots? "People say I'm wearing heels because I'm short," he says, laughing. "I wear heels because the women like 'em." A FEW MINUTES LATER, driving toward the First Avenue club, Prince is talking about the fate of the most famous landmark in Minneapolis. "Before Purple Rain," he says, "all the kids who came to First Avenue knew us, and it was just like a big, fun fashion show. The kids would dress for themselves and just try to took really cool. Once you got your thing right, you'd stop looking at someone else. You'd be yourself, and you'd feel comfortable." As we pull up in front of First Avenue, a Saturday-night crowd is milling around outside, combing their hair, smoking cigarettes, holding hands. They stare with more interest than awe as Prince gets out of the car. "You want to go to the [VIP] booth?" asks the bouncer. "Naah," says Prince. "I feel like dancing." A few feet off the packed dance floor stands the Family, taking a night off from rehearsing. Prince joins the band and laughs, kisses, soul shakes. Prince and three of Family members wade through a floor of Teddy-and-Eleanor-Mondale-brand funkettes and start moving. Many of the kids Prince passes either don't see him or pretend they don't care. Most of the rest turn their heads slightly to see the man go by, then simply continue their own motions. An hour later, he's on the road again, roaring out of downtown. Just as he's asked if there's anything in the world that he wants but doesn't have, two blondes driving daddy's Porsche speed past. "I don't," Prince says with a giggle, "have them." He catches up to the girls, rolls down the window and throws a ping-pong ball that was on the floor at them. They turn their heads to see what kind of geek is heaving ping-pong balls at them on the highway at two in the morning. When they see who it is, mouths drop, hands wave, the horn blares. Prince rolls up his window, smiles silently and speeds by.

What you think of this Prince article?
Interesting, never knew very much about Prince, even though I grew up listening to his music and watching Purple Rain a million times.
Reply:extremely long but informative.

What kind of bug bite is this?

i have a bug bite on my collar bone, (or thats what i think it is). it does not itch, just has this big bump.. so i thought it was a pimple, tried to pop it, but it came out with this watery puss that did not look like pimple puss. the bump feels like i have a small rock under my skin. it also has a hole in the center that is not sure of what it is, but i have 3 of them...scared and dont know how to take care of it or what to do about it...please help..this is an honest question...

What kind of bug bite is this?
yup,it's a spider bite,you should go to a doctor and see if you need something for it,antibiotic.
Reply:spider bite
Reply:go get checked out by a doctor or have a pharmacist look at it.

What is my style?

i wear a whole bunch of things...

though i am not trying to label myself i am just curious how other perceive my style.

clothes: i wear like whatever. a bunch of skinny jeans, vests, t-shirts (not logo t-shirts just like graphic ones), flowy babydoll tops, lots of florals, neons, bold prints, solid colors, denim

minis, flats, vans, converse, FLIP FLOPS, boot cut jeans...

brands: most of my clothes are from urban outfitters, but i also have a lot from american eagle, abercrombie, hollister, pac sun, zumiez, forever 21, charlotte russe, macys, anchor blue, anthropologie, j. crew and some juicy couture.

hair: its light brown, collar bone length, straight, with sidebangs.

makeup: i usually am very natural. but sometimes i wear a lot of eyeliner or a pop of color on my eyes or lips.

thanks. :D

What is my style?
i would say fake preppy chick.

idk its u.
Reply:I would say like preppy, with a tad of a rebelious edge.
Reply:haha, dude, you totally basically described my style.

i dont do labels but i hear people label me alot.

apparently i'm a sceenie weenie.

s'posedly wearing polos and tuff with skinny jeans, high laced tops, large bags, berets, and aviators makes me scene.
Reply:Lucky you have your own personal style, which in my opinion, is the best kind of style there is (not trying to be corny). If you can pull off everythng you wear and you're not afraid to wear anything and everything, you don't really need to care about what your style is.

But, to answer your question, I would say you're kinda leaning closer to a more lighter preppier style.
Reply:wow love your wardrobe it's pretty much mine i like hippish style stuff i would say kind of contempary boho prep
Reply:you sound like part prep and part designer. You wear juciy and thats like one of the best designers our there, but u also wear hollister and A%26amp;F.
Reply:Preppy trying to look not preppy ;)
Reply:kinda preppy but u have bit more of an edge than other preps.
Reply:you dont have a sertin style you just like to were differnt styles.
Reply:i would say either urban surfer or urban prep depenind on if u wear more of like pacsun or abercrombie but thats up to u to decide. hope this helps :]
Reply:semi-prep i guess...not all out prep but thats the closest style i kinda the same way

Was it Divine Intervention?

A rabbi and a priest are involved in a bad car crash.

Their vehicles are totally demolished but both clergymen are uninjured. After they crawl out of their wrecked cars the rabbi sees the priest`s collar

So, says the rabbi you`re a priest I am a rabbi. Just look at our cars Both are completely demolished and you and I stand here unscathed God must have intended for us to meet and become great friends and live together in peace for the rest of our days.

I agree with you totally says the priest This must be a sign from God You will be my closest friend for as long as we both shall live.

Look at this, the rabbi continues. Here is another miracle already. Look here in the back. A bottle of Mogen David wine unbroken.

Surely God wants us to seal our friendship with a drink.

With this, he pops the cork, and hands the bottle to the priest, who takes several swigs and passes it back to the rabbi.

Aren`t you having any?

No the rabbi replies.

I think I`ll wait for the police!

Was it Divine Intervention?
ahahahahahaha. good one. i love the priest and a rabbi jokes... xxx
Reply:Ha ha ha.!!!

Clever Rabbi, lol.!!!

10/10 again.!!!

Cheers mate, still smiling.!!
Reply:heard it b4 but still funny

Reply:ha ha ha funny

thanks for a laugh
Reply:Hehehehehehe...........that is a good one. xx
Reply:haha brilliant thanks
Reply:assuming the cops show up quickly, the little bit of alcohol will not yet have shown up on the blood tests.

white teeth

More information on my indoor escaped cat.?

She is strictly indoors.

She escaped from the bedroom window.

I live where there are wooded areas on each side of the house.

She has no collar with name tag,

but she is microchipped.

I did put up posters, but that wont help, because no one will be able to pick her up, because shes very feisty, and by the time i can get there, she will have run off, she is a scardey cat.

I put her cat litter and cat food outside the window she escaped from.

I also sprinkled cat nip across our yard, and walk around shaking her treats looking for her at night.

Nothing yet.

Is there ANYTHING else i can do? What are the odds she will come back? It has been almost three full days. I leave my window open at night, with the screen off, in hopes she will jsut pop back in at night.

More information on my indoor escaped cat.?
Dont give up........She is probably quiet near by.

Have you put posters up nad knocked on peoples doors ?

Ring all vets and register her as lost.


I am sure you will find her, its only been a few days, do not give up hope xxxxx
Reply:if you had your cat chiped go ther and see if they can track her
Reply:Ask your neighbors if you can check around their homes, especially sheds, attics, crawlspaces, etc. A lot of times kitties hide and get stuck. Shake her food and treats and call to her, but be sure to listen carefully for her meows. She may be stuck somewhere "calling" for help. You might just want to walk around observing and listening. See if you can identify places in which she might have squeezed.

Be sure to call your local shelters and file a missing animal report, and check daily. Not all micro-chipping technologies are the same, and some readers don't read all chips. Check the shelter every day.

I've heard of kitties returning after months. Cats, like all natural predators, can go for many days without food. However, the hunger is going to get to her, so there's a good chance she might come back.

Once she gets back, I would recommend a collar with a bell. Not only will it make it more likely for her to be picked up if she gets out (since she obviously has an owner), but the bell will make her easier to hear when you look for her.
Reply:It sounds like you are already doing as much as you can.

From experience I can tell you that she might come back once she is very very hungry. I just hope she will find her way back.

Our cats have wandered off up to a week....

I rescued a cat once after seeing it roaming my block for more than a week. It wouldn't let me close, until i guess it was so hungry it din't care anymore. I offered it some snacks and he eventually came closer. I took him to the vet and he din't have a chip or anything. so i just left my phone number in case he needed medical attention and someone to pay for it, in case his owner din't shop up.

thank goodness his owner was already looking for him, calling all the shelters and Vets in the area and she got him back. The lady called me later to thank me for the "rescue"

I think you could get the info to the local vets and shelters, just in case.

I'm so sorry!!! I hope you get your cat back!!!
Reply:I'm so sorry your cat is missing. Unfortunately chances are not very good that she will just "show up". If she is microchipped, can't you just find her that way? (I don't know a lot about that) It sounds like, other than that, you are doing everything you can. Just ask around, see if people have seen her. I hope you find her!
Reply:odds are bad, 3days! member they don't have good road sense. Be prepared for anything. You've done alot. Go make some more copies and put them on store windows at night by walking signs absolutly everywhere! good luck. where did you lose her? just curiosity.
Reply:Have you called all the vets in your area, in case she was injured and taken in, or animal control, put signs up in the neighborhood with her picture, posted in grocery store bulletin boards in your area, posted in vets offices? Have you looked in the trees, scared cats sometimes climb trees.
Reply:Sorry for your loss!

You said you have woods by you. Are ther foxes there?

If there is I'm sorry but it may have gotten you cat.

Cats are a delecacy for foxes!

On the othe hand, your cat may still show up if it is hungry. I wouldn't put the food outside, it may attract other creatures that you wouldn't want. And it would make your cat come inside where it knows food is.

I would not sprinkle treats outside either, or catnip. Make her come inside!!!

Weird red dots/bumps on my chest... read deatils for info.?

Hey, about 2 months ago i had this random weird dot just under my collar bone which has since grown (widened) into a red bruizey looking thing (feels rough), now about a week ago ive had little red bumps pop up over my chest... they look like bites of some sort but each night id wake up with more... any ideas?

Weird red dots/bumps on my chest... read deatils for info.?
Hmmmmm . . . There's a lot of different things that could cause the problems you are describing.

Do they itch? You could have bedbugs. Please don't think that I am belittling your laundry abilities. We have an epidemic of bedbugs going on in this country right now. Lift up your sheet and mattress pad and inspect the mattress. Look for tiny brown flecks, especially at any seams. If you find anything like that, call Orkin or somebody to really do the job getting rid of them. You can try vacuuming the mattress and wrapping it in a zippered plastic mattress pad - but they may have infiltrated so far that this might not be enough.

Another thought, you may have an allergy to something. Have you changed your laundry detergent or fabric softener lately? Do you have new sheets? Are you using different body soap or lotion? Think about that.

If you irritated the original bump, which might be why it grew and widened, then you may have caused some scarring. This is especially prevalent on the chest area. And the new bumps might just be in reaction to the first bump.

In any event - a doctor will be better able to tell you what's going on! I just think that you should check for bedbugs and think about any possible allergic reactions before you go - because he/she will ask you anyway!

Good luck!
Reply:You should go to the doctor, it could be skin cancer. Good Luck.
Reply:Talk to a doctor?
Reply:You could be simply having a rash. It can be harsh and many things can build up on your chest. Rashes may cause the skin to change color, itch, become warm, bumpy, dry, cracked or blistered, swell and may be painful. The causes, and therefore treatments for rashes, vary widely. Diagnosis must take into account such things as the appearance of the rash, other symptoms, what the patient may have been exposed to, occupation, and occurrence in family members.
Reply:It could just be an allergy, don't let everyone scare you. I would go to the Doctor and if he can't figure it out have him refer you to a Dermatologist. You may have just developed an allergy to the detergent you use, or if you have feathered pillows, try not to worry but please do see a Doctor.

What could be wrong with me, i am falling apart?

I know you cant diagnose but I have some issues and maybe you just already know or already heard of it.

1 child, 9 years of trying and cant get pregnant, visible cyst with only 1 painful incident, mood swings, chills, nausea, vomitting sometimes if i cant control it.

have a serious spinal issue or skeletal issue. maybe its all related. neck at the base, collar bones, pelvic bones, elbows, knees, wrists are all painful and make me have to manually crack them to be able to stand and walk properly.

small sternum bones, the lil ones up top before you reach the ribs all pop in and out of place with slight pressure and causes bad headaches daily.

cant sleep-uncomfortable sometimes cant focus but overall in my mind i feel good and dont know what went wrong. i was active and use to work out now i hate to move or walk.

i hate going to the doctor because they all say nothing is wrong but i know my body.SOMETHING IS WRONG and i wanna know what before i die first for waiting around

What could be wrong with me, i am falling apart?
This sound like a very frustrating situation. I am not sure of your race, but it sounds like lupus, fibromayalgia or some other illness that effects the nervous or skeletal system, of which are more commmon in certain races. As far as fertility goes it sounds like there is a hormonal imbalance, which may or may not have something to do with cysts. A neighbor of mine was trying to have a baby and she started taking mangosteen juice for other health related issues. within 3 months of being on the juice she got pregnant. Now she has 2 children. She says that was the only thing that changed.

I also am a drinker and have found it to be good for many ailments. It is natural and has been used by the people of SE Asia for over 2000 years. See the science for yourself.

I hope you get well and have a home full of children!
Reply:I'm a guy, but the bone thing started with me in my twenties. A couple of decades later I need periodic chiropractic visits. I call it aging, but it sucks.
Reply:Go for hormone testing. After a childbirth, hormones usually return to normal...sometimes not. The lack of regular periods, the cyst and the changes in your bones point to a hormonal imbalance of some sort (probably estrogen/progesterone levels are not within normal range).

Also, a change in hormone production can also affect the levels of neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine) in the brain, which can often trigger an anxiety disorder (chills, nausea, vomiting are symptoms of anxiety, among others).

Do not be put off by your doctor(s). Consult new doctors if necessary.

Persist in your effort to get a diagnosis so that you can receive proper and effective treatment.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I tore my rotator cuff about a year ago and ??'ss?

well they told me to jus lay off of it for 7 months...i also broke my collar bone at the same time which healed at 4 i did as told...and now i get alot of popping and use to hurt really bad and tighten up...but now...its jus please!?!

I tore my rotator cuff about a year ago and ??'ss?
Did you have an MRI? That is the only way to truly diagnois a torn rotator cuff. If you didn't have one, you need to see your primary care doctor and ask him to order one, and refer you to an orthopaedic surgeon if you don't have one already. Most rotator cuff repairs are done arthroscopically with mini open incisions instead of larger incisions now. You will be down for about 3 to 4 weeks and then have physical therapy for another 4 to 8 weeks. As far as the popping and cracking go, you probably need to have regualar xrays to tell if you have some post traumatic arthritis or even impingement going on .
Reply:have you tired going for Chiropractic care? I went to a Chiropractor after a rotator injury and it helped
Reply:Torn rotator cuffs do NOT heal themselves. They usually don't pop and crack either. I had the left side repaired and they found and repaired cartilage tears at the same time. Right now I have the same problem in my right shoulder plus a seperation from torn ligaments. The orthopedist said the cracking and popping was from the torn cartilage getting down in the joint and popping when it was forced out by arm movement. I would suggest you get a second opinion, with a current MRI, from a good orthopedist.
Reply:I know several people who had surgery after a torn rotator cuff. Ask your doctor to send you to a specialist and see what they say. I don't think it should be popping but I'm not a doctor.

Be persistent till you find an answer.

dental crown

Is obesity a sign of poverty or wealth?

answers to this question are all over the map, literally. In India,

to this day, except for Bollywood stars and the mega-billionaires,

a big gut is a major wealth indicator, especially in the countryside.

Same in China, and many African countries. In USA, it was sign

of wealth as recently as early 1900's.

My question is, do you personally see obese people as poor?

Does the first thing that pops in your mind when you see a

chub-ster, "Oh, that person's probably on foodstamps" or

"that person must be from the hillbilly, blue-collar side of town?

I'm curious, as there are plenty of skinny poor people around,

as well as wealthy chub-sters.

What exactly does physical appearance say about one's bank

account, if anything?

I feel that extreme, super-sized, jelly-belly, people are almost

always poor. Realistically, when have you ever seen a "oh my god,

he/she is huge" rich person?

In the age where people eat daily at fast food places, fat folk are

almost always poor.

Is obesity a sign of poverty or wealth?
I didn't read that whole thing but I will say that it used to be a sign of power and wealth but now it is a sign of poverty.
Reply:Obesity is nor wealth nor poverty , it is sign of poor health.....One how is fat is prone to illness like diabetes....heart attack......Person even being rich but being fat is of no good.......
Reply:both actually. poorer ppl tend to eat alot of cheaper fattier meats and other foods such as deep fried as this is cooked with fats and oils which are carriers of taste and things that taste better they will eat more of. some rich of course will eat what they want when they want
Reply:I know in the area I live in its more a sign of poverty than anything, healthy foods are more expensive where as simple carbs, (pasta, potato, rice, etc...) are very cheap and they tend to be the staple in most diets of the lower income people. People who have more money have the option of much better food choices and can afford fresh fruits, veggies and even meats if they choose.

If you have only $50 a week to feed a family of 5 what are you going to feed them?
Reply:Sorry I fail to see your argument and feel wealth in relation to weight is completely irrelevant. HTH.
Reply:People who are "pleasantly plump" or just chubby are often wealthy or middle class.

As for skinny people, they can be poor so they don't have enough to eat, or just have enough money to go to gyms and stuff every week.

But huge people are usually poor because all they eat is cheap fast food or they are spending all their money on food.
Reply:I think ALL types of people are suceptible to obesity. Rich people, however, probably have gyms and country clubs and reputations...and poor people may only be able to afford french fries.
Reply:It's neither. Its a sign of weakness. Not being able to be in control of your eating habits to the point where your health is affected.
Reply:obesity is a sign that your cinically overwieght you can be rich or poor.
Reply:Honestly, I see a fat person as being more from the low-income bracket since they are not able to take care of themeselves. What I mean by that is they eat horrible, probably fast food on a daily basis since it is cheap and easy to get. They have no medical venue leading to their obese state of being. Fat people tend to be lazy people as well.

People who are fit I see as being from a higher income since they watch what they eat, take time to go to the gym, and try to look good in order to make a great impression in the workplace.

Overall, you CANNOT tell a persons income from the size of the belly.
Reply:Obesity isn't a sign of either. It's probably found more in poverty-stricken people because they don't have a choice for eating healthy or not, where as wealthy people do (but that doesn't mean they necessarily will).
Reply:Better not tell you now. Ask Alison if it is.
Reply:Poverty. I live in an extremely wealthy area of Florida, it is rare to see an obese person.
Reply:how does the poor afford to eat so takes alot of eating to be obese.Maybe your right in the way of poor people don't have medical insurance.who knows.......but....I have seen many fat people that are very very wealthy

Name this book please?

I read this book long ago and cannot remember the title. The plot was about an indentured servants of sorts in a coal mine who falls in love with the daughter of the owner of the place. Right before he is going to run away they catch him and make him run backwards in front of a horse and put a metal collar around his neck. He runs away after this with coincidental help from the girl. The book follows the life of the girl getting married to a man who goes to start a plantation in America, and the life of the slave who goes to a city and then travels as an indentured servant to america and ends up working on the same plantation she is at. She has a miscarriage and they run away together. A memorable scene was also when some "bad guys" tortured an indian boy by popping his fingernails off. Is this ringing any bells? It's quite a long book. If you can leave the title and author i would deffinately appreciate it :)

Name this book please?
sounds a little like a suitable boy by vikram seth, but that was an epic novel

bloody huge but well worth it!

could also be one of noel barbers works

i hope i'v been of some help?

at least you'll have some new book suggestions ;)

A Good story ?

It is March 31st,2009

My name is Steve Weattie. Alot of people call me Steve Wheaties, my wife calls me Steevey Weevey. I live in the busy city of Boston. I have a job as a manager of internfal affairs at the Boston Public Library. It may sound a bit espionage saying that I handle internal afairs but I'm the head boss for all that goes on at the library. I'm the man that handles security. Someone steals a book in front of our cameras Im the man that security tells first,I'm the man that handles books coming in to this library and out and know what books should be banned from this library.I wasnt all that good in math as a kid but I deal with library funds at times. Im not the head man to handle that but I work with everyone.

It's alot to handle for one man. It may seem a bit unrealistic. How can one man be handling all these things for a library? Sounds like something out of a story. I would have thought so too,but its all true. Im a busy man but I worked hard in my life to get this far to the top. As a kid I always wanted to be a librarian,I did too when I was a teenager,I just became something more at the end. It's alot of responsibilty but I'm an organized man. I have enough time to be here at this library everyday except for Sundays and be home by 6 or 7 to spend the night with my wife.

Today is March 31st,2009. It is 5:29 A.m. Im laying down next to my sweet wife _____. She's sleeping peacefully and I feel like everything is right in the world with me. She lays there so sweet. Her bosom rising and falling with every breath,her beautiful face in peace,every aspect of her is beautiful. With her next to me I feel like I can do anything. As usual she sleeps with her pink fluffy pillow,her pink fluffy blanket,in her pink pajamas. If I didnt know by now that her favorite color in the world is pink, I would have to be a very stupid person.It's funny to be sleeping with a pink blanket,a pink pillow underneath my head as well. At least I dont wear the pink pajamas. I have still some man dignity on me. For her though, I would walk down the street in pink. I would be laughed at but it would be worth it to make her happy. My colors for me have always been black and yellow. I cant seem to know why I like both. I cant just like black or just like yellow. I only like these colors in a combination. Their too distinct colors but I seem to enjoy both colors as well as pink which I began after I met ____.

It is 5:45 A.m now and that means I should take a shower now. I get out of our king sized Serta Bed, thats one good bed never had a bad nights sleep with that bed, and walk to the bathroom to take a shower.It feels nice under my feet to walk on the pink mats in the bathroom. Sigh. Well... I do this everyday and I wouldnt change it for the world. I always feel content with my life. I mention pink so much and I tolerate my wifes adoreness with pink. Its a fine color just as red or blue would be ,but I dont consider myself to be less a man to like the color. Its funny that I always assure myself that everyday when I reach the bathroom. It's just a funny habit I have. I dont think its a bad habit at all. It keeps my life in balance doing almost the same thing everyday. I say almost since I never know what me and my wife will do. Shes very engergetic and outgoing so one minute we could be eating and next me and her could be throwing water at each other for fun. I also never know what will ever happen at work. THeres always something that could happen at work...a book stolen, a disturbed patron making a scene in the library entrance, you just never know.

It is 6:03 A.m and I have finished taking a shower. Im dressed in one of my best suits since today I know I have a meeting with a few members of the Children Donation FUnd. I will be making sure that the libray has the theme of children and caring for needful children. Ill prob prospose the idea of putting childrens faces around the library and donation boxes near the childrens room,near entrances and such. It shouldnt be a bad day. Its Tuesday and Tuesdays are the days where usually activity and such is very slow. No problem for me though..if work is slow then at least Ill have my house to come home to with ____.

It is 6:25 A.m and Im eating breakfast at my polished table with pink flower designs. Im eating Cocoa Puffs from a pink bowl with a pink flower spoon. Im reading yesterdays Boston Globe since the newspaper doesnt come to our house till 7 o clock. I usually am behind the news by one day but thats ok for me since I read the news just to know current events or to bring up some such thing I read in the newspaper in a meeting like "Why are we all acting like the Dubois family that fought over their dog for ? Lets just be the state of Massachusetts and get rid of the Dubois family?"

It is 6:45 A.m. Ive cleaned my cereal bowl ,put away the cocoa puffs and am heading upstairs to kiss ____ goodbye. I would be a fool to try to wake her up since she never can wake up early. If I tried to wake her up with me in the morning she would be cranky the whole day. Well,she'll be waking up soon since she may want to go to the mall later. As she told me there will be a new purse out on sale today that will have a built in cell phone holder,a mini tv screen to watch the latest soap operas and it even has satellite so you can watch any nationality of soap operas wheter it be Japanese or Russian or even Arab. Hmm...I also think this new purse will be pink and have an automated cell phone operator meaning I think if you click some certain button the purse it can put your phone on to answer a call. Shes always saying how sometimes I call her and she can never pick up the phone because its in her purse and she has to try to find the phone in her purse and by that time she misses the call. So..maybe this will be a good purse for her.

"____ Im leaving for work ok? I left you some goodies on the kitchen table and a surprise in your make -up kit. ON the kitchen table I have for her a pumpkin pie for her that I bought last night . In the make -up kit ive left for her 200 $. Of course shes not a spend thrift we have to do some food shopping, so I dont expect her to use all that money for the purse. Well I hope so. "hhmmm..ok my steevey weevy Ill see you later then." I moved for the usual good morning kiss . I kissed her on her lips. Most of the time that would wake her up but today I could see she was a bit tired so I gave her a not too long kiss on the lips and one on her forehead and cheek. I Then I put my hand threw her hair and said Ill see you later _________" "Mhmm k Steevey I love you." I love you so much more _____ ,I told her.

It is 7:21 A.M. I kissed my wife goodbye earlier. I walked out of the house,into the garage, entered my black Beemer that was next to my wifes Beemer, a pink convertible. My beemer was the usual sedan. It had the usual leather seats,GPS system, pink dice in the mirror one pink one actually and the other one black,heating on the seats,and a kickin stereo system. Yeah kickin..well for listening to music it always makes me feel cool and young.

It is 7:27 A.M. and I m close to the library. Theres plenty of traffic at this time. I just have to drive down this street,pass Boston Common,take a right at Lowe's Theater and just head straight down and I'll be there. As of now Im close to nearing Lowe's Theater. Too many s toplights and people passing. So many commuters are clogging up this street. Every damn minute Im stopping for them! It's just annoying that they pop up every few feet when you gain a foot. I remember my days as a commuter so I cant get pissed at these people. I use to try to run past cars and people to reach the train station to catch my train. commuter days are one of my greatest years in my life as well. Its how I met ______ in fact. Hmm...something also happened on a train back then but I cant seem to remember.

It is 7:35 A.m and I am now at Lowe's Theater just have to turn right and Ill be on the street that leads to the library. Look both ways and look at that black dump truck there. Jet black with a shade of yellow on the side to spell some words. I cant read the words. Aha funny my favorite two colors on this weird dump truck black and yellow. So..anyway look left. To the left I have the dump truck here and to the right just that street and just looking for pedestrians.

It is 7:36 A.M and I flick the switch to turn my right signal on. Tick Tick Tick the green arrow ticks and tocks on my dashboard. I turn my wheel slowly to the right. I look fast again to my left while my Beemer is in motion. The black and yellow truck is coming up fast to me. My heart is getting faster. Maybe I should wait for this thing to pass. Im in the middle of the road though. I just cant stop. I keep on moving and hope that the driver will realize his mistake and stop. My car is still in a turn and suddenly the truck is somehow so close to me that I can see the driver inside. I cant believe my eyes. I thought I would never see HIM again. How is he here? All I know is that this thing I once knew but I dont have time to think. I have to get out of his way!. Before I have time to think of what Im going to do for a motion with my car the dump truck smashes hard into the driver side of my car. My side. I feel an intense pressure on my left like someone just took my whole side and squeezed it all together. My heart is being crushed by pounds of metal. I cant breathe. THe light of day is gone and I only see complete darkness. Im going to die. Why must I die? I dont want to leave _____. I love her too much. How could she handle it? I dont know how I can be thinking when I probably have serious injuries. I feel the pain so intense and yet I expected to lose consciousness. My sight is of blackness and I think maybe Ill be able to stay awake threw all this,maybe I will stay alive. As soon as I even begin to think this I feel like I'm rolling over and over and over and over. My head is crashing against the ceiling of the car I think. What the hell is goin on? I cant think anymore. I cant breathe. I cant breathe. I cant breathe. I cant............................

"Goooood morning everyone. This is abc News in the Morning and I'm Patrick o DOnell "

"And im Sara Fontaine who will give you your traffic updates.

"Im Lindsey Hamilton who will be giving you your Boston weather for the day.

"Aaaand I;m Johnny Repp who wull be giving you your update on who married who,who broke up with who,and who wants to break up with who on your entertainment news.


"Good Morning to our viwers. Today is Tuesday March 31st 2009. Its 7:59 on this windy day wouldnt you say Sara?

"Ill tell you it sure was Patrick. I almost was blown away today by the winds but thats for Lindsey to tell us right ?

"Of course of course"

"In this mornings news, two Turkish planes bombed Kurdistan today due to PKK militants killing 10 Turkish militants outside of a customs building in the Istanbul District.

"OOO doesnt sound good now does it Patrick?"

"Well...that may not sound good but today in Boston there will be the annual Children week.

"Oh yes I was looking forward to that."

"So for all those people that would like to chip in and help some children...the event will be held at the Boston South End pubic Library today at 3 p.m and should last till 7 p.m tonight and then of course same time tomorrow . There should be groups for children to play in and for adults,small workshops on how we can help our chidlren.

"O yes that does sound nice. For anyone thats trying to get anywhere near the Boston Library you wont have much luck.

" Why is that Sara who is with the traffic who should have said that she was the traffic woman.

"AHAHAH well Lindsey it's a bit shocking to find that there was an accident right across from the Boston Common nearly a half hour ago. " "Oh wow right in a public street too. "

"Yes so dont try going down Winter,Summer, or Franklin ST. Besides that there was one accident on Rt. 128, there is a bit of a bulge there but there shoud be an estiamted wait time in traffic of 5 -10 minutes. Besides that the roads are clean this morning.

"Yes thank you Sara. Back to the news, it seems that on the story of that accident that Sara told us there are 7 people injured,one man it is said to be believed dead and there is one person missing as well. It's a strange accident. Lets go with Rebecca Chong with more details who is live now at the scene".

"Yes Patrick. The scene here is devastating. It seems at 7:36 this morning a man who is yet to be identified at the moment was in a 2009 BMW 202 X when as he was taking a turn he was struck by an incoming dumpster truck stricking his drivers side. The bmw was smashed completely on the drivers side and if you look down the street here you can see that the dump truck was actually moving the bmw along the street. No drivers were hurt but the Bmw hit a curb and spun over injuring at least 7 pedestrians. From what we know,these injured people have not serious injuries. It seems to be that these people were harmed not by the car itself but by metal pieces of the car.

In fact we have here with us a man that saw the whole collision while sitting on a bench waiting for the 7:40 bus. Say your name sir." "Yeahh hi my names Bill Shawmut. I was sitting here on this bench and Im looking at this Bmw right? Im thinking to myself what would I do to get me one of those babies? One second im looking at this beaut and the next second Im seeing a huge dump truck like a big mother beep beep."

"Excuse me sir?"

"O yeah sorry about the swearing but this thing was pretty big. Like black and yellow I aint ever even seen a truck with yellow and black maybe white and yellow but not black. Anywayss this truck smashes into the driver side of the car right? and its still moving! This truck is still pushing this Bmw along the street! Im thinking what the hell aint the driver realized he just crashed into somethin? So this truck is just plowing this car down the street and Im standing up to see down the street now. Then the bmw kind of moved away from the truck and hit the sidewalk. All I know is then I be seeing this car flip over. Then like all these pieces of the car start flyin around everywhere and im thinkin to myself **** (beep) it better not be explodin now. Luckily it didnt. But yeah I saw the metal flyin everywhere. From my angle I could only see the car and the truck but not any people. God bless anyone involved in this accident. Might I add that this whole morning is ruined and its all to blame for one ************ (BEEP)driver on the road It was the scariest **** (beep) I seen in my life."

"Thank you Bill for that insightful account of what has happened here today. As Bill has told us the bmw is completely wrecked. We did manage to see the driver of the BMW in one quick glimpse. We'll have some footage of him later live. From what we could see he had wounds to his head. We can see from our distance the BMW did have the use of airbags. As for the truck seemed to have stopped a few feet after the BMW. THres not much we can say for the truck. Its a truck so...not much damage has been done to this truck. Theres dents on the front. Theres no driver found. Witnesses say they did see people running after the accident. It is possible that this will turn out to be a case of Hit and run and if the driver of the BMW dies...well then this will soon to be called manslaughter. Back to you Patrick.

Hmm....Steevey. Why does he always do that? He thinks he doesnt wake me up when he kisses me but he does! Hes such a romantic though doing that. Let me check the time. Only 6:54! Steve must have just left like a few minutes ago. I didnt even get to sleep in . Grrrr. Well im up now might as well get my **** done. Lets see first thing is bathrooom. Didnt he say something about something in my make-up kit? Hmm..whats in there? Probably some nice book he got from the library. I never use to like to read but hes so convincing. "Just read it honey! Come on you know you wanna _____! Come on ____ everyone lets go! Come on lets get to it,You know you wanna do it!" "Steve be quiet Ill read the book. " "Fine read the book and then you'll come up to me all thanking me honey.

Yup thats my Steevey. The book he picked out for me was great and yeah I did give him a hug. Hes just so sweet who wouldnt want to hug him besides me? Ahaha yeah so lets see whats in the make-up kit. My make -up kit is near the sink on the shelf. Its one big shelf so definitely my stuff wont be falling down. Hmm...lets see whats in here. He left a note on the kit.

_____..I know how much you wanted that special thing youve been wanting and today you can get it! Yay for you! Dont forget though dont go too crazy because Im gonna be hungry tonight so I was thinking maybe like Steak with rice or whatever you want. Either way we need to do some shopping for food. Dont forget ______ I love you =)

Awww thats nice of him but whats in here. I hate it how he likes to build the suspense of things just give whatever it is to me now! I opened the box and there it was two nicely folded hundred bills and a beautiful ring next to it. O my God! When did he get this?! Its soo beautiful! Of course! Today was the day we first met ! How could I forget? Aghh mornings they make me stupid.

Ill like never take this ring off. Its like at least 2 karot or 3 whatever! Its real diamond for sure! Like I cant believe it! How could he do this? I never would have guessed! Pheww ok..I have to calm down. Whats the 200 dollars for though? All on food? We're not that low I think. Lets see I know hes bad at math but we usually worry about just what to eat for tonight and go day by day, not stack up on food. So...he should know we usually use about 50 for a good meal. 150 dollars what could I do with that? He couldnt want me to get....? No way. He wouldnt be that nice to me in one day! I already have a beautiful ring on me! He wouldnt want me to get the purse! Let me see that note again.

"I know how much you wanted that special thing you've been waiting for and today you can get it!" He really wants me to get the purse! I cant believe he actually listened to me always talk about it. I thought he was half asleep at the table when I always told him the special features to that purse. He would always act like he was sleeping too! I never thought....he is sooo getting that steak and rice tonight! I better hurry up, get in the shower and eat something real quick. The malls open up at like 7:30.

Ok its 7:15 . I had to rush a bit and it was hard to choose which pink shirt I wanted to wear for today and the shoes too but I did it and I have still time to eat something reall fast. Lets see...Im in the kitchen and whats that on the table? A pie and chocolate? Can this day get any better for me? I love pie! How could he do this to me?! I dont have the time to eat the pie now,I could eat it in the car but then Ill get my pink floor mats messy and then I'll have crumbs! Theres chocolate too though. Um... come on choose ____! Pie or chocolate! Thats it screw the chocolate. Pie your coming with me! Let me just get a fork then me and you are out of here mr. pumpkin pie.

7:30 in the morning. I cant believe I'm awake this early and not in a grouchy mood. If it wasnt for this ring and that pie and this purse then I probably would be in a shitty mood today. I made it to the mall at 7:25. It's close to our house. I actually half finished the was soo good! I just couldnt stop eating! Iam now at Sears waiting for the teenage girl to ring me up for my nice purse. "O MY GOd your actually getting this? This is like the coolest purse ever!"

"Yeah I know right? much will it be ?

"Its going to be $148.13" "I handed her the cash and I received back my change. I liked this girl . She had a good style to her. I could see she had good style and her eyelashes...those were so nice .

"Did you know you have nice eyelashes?"

"Really? Awww thank you! Well ive been tired like **** but that just really cheered me up thanks! "

I nodded to her and left the store. It felt good to feel like a young girl. Im usually not always like this saying cool and stuff. But...I still sometimes feel like a teenage girl . Whenever I walk into a mall, Im just 16 years old again. Lately Ive just been feeling like that age since I heard of that new purse. But...I think Ill be acting my age after tomorrow. I still have to finish that essay professor grant gave me. I'm still at Northeastern going to finish my masters in Science. Soon Ill be finished this year so.. I dont know where Ill go from there, but im glad that at least im not a bum to sit around the house all day. I dont know ...maybe after this degree..I can have the thought of children. At least if kids come into my life now there would be a loving father who has a firm and high job and at least a mother with a degree that could get her a decent job if someday Steevey lost the job or took ill. Always have to think for the future.

It's 7:37 as of now and Im on the way to my car. I feel sad now for some reason like I forgot something or Im missing something important though I dont know what it could be. Well..maybe its just my mind telling me get back home and finish that term paper now! Well..Im in my sweet pink BMW and ready to get back home!

It is 7:50 and I'm out of my car and have my keys in the hole of the door. My cell phone rings. This would be the perfect chance to see how my purse does its magic. I press the brown button on the side of the purse,you can barely even see it it blends in so well with the purse. Instantly I know that the purse has put me threw with whoever is calling. I say


"Is this Mrs. Weattie?"

"Yes this is she, who is speaking ?"

"This is Seargent Nick Randal from the South End Boston Police Department."

"O wow, I wasnt expecting a call from an officer. there a reason that your calling me so early? Did I do something wrong?

"No maam no. Its not that, maam as a procedure I usually tell people that if you are standing now you may want to sit down.

"For what reason, besides Im like right about to get into my house so I just cant sit on the ground.

"Well maam if you must you should sit on the ground. Maam..this morning at 7:35 your husband Steve was struck by a dump truck across the Lowe's Theater. It was a very serious accident. Your husbands car is completely ruined,in fact barely recognizeable. As of now, for sure we know that he is in the ER. The paramedics told us that your husband's heart had stopped twice and that they had to inject adrenaline to get his heart beating again. He has received serious head trauma and multiple bruises to his body. He is living and is not in I believe ICU, I dont know why he is not there or in an operating room but for sure we know that he is in the ER and that it would be wise if you could come down to the hospital. "

"Steevey no how could it cant be him. It must be some one else. He was just on his way to work. He doesnt take a highway or anything! It cant be him!!! NOOO!!"

"Maam we are completely sure it is him. He had the id of Steve Wheatie,27 years old, resident of 245 Andalos St. Boston."

"Its just....will he be all right???

"Maam I cant say for sure. I suggest you go see him at the hospital and now maam I have other matters to attend too. Good day.

"Good day? Good day! What the hell do you mean a good day? My husbands been in an accident and your going to tell to have a good day!You stupid cop pig!"

I cant take what he just told me. How can Steevey be in the hospital? He could be dead! Steevey! WHY?! I fell to the ground and my door opened to the entrance of my house. Steve, no you cant die. How? I feel like my heart will burst how can this happen? I look up and see my house. Steevey its like hes here in front of me. Memories of him here come bac to me. Him bringing me into this house the first time with me in his arms as we walked into his house,walked on where im sitting as husband and wife. Steevey kicking our stair case there by accident when his team won the soccer match,him screaming GOOOAAAAALLLLL! Him taking a kick and slapping him his foot on the staircase and him hopping in pain still saying

"OWWW,goalllll! ___I need some ice!"

How can this have happened to him?

"Steevey,no. Please God dont let this happen to him".

5 minutes ago seems like a whole other world. I only feel pain,fear,and love for my husband in this new world. O God,I have to go get there fast. I cant let him go. Nooo. Steevey. Tears flow down my eyes as I drive to the hospital with our memories together racing threw my head. Steve.Dont die. Dont.

8:35 in the morning. Im at the hospital and I'm speaking to Dr. Roknilajah that has seen Steevey.

"How is he ? Will he live? Please tell me yes please.

"Maam someone upstairs must sure like him. Hes fine."

"He is! O my God! YES! I start jumping and down not caring that others are looking at me as they pass by. My husband will live ! YES!

"Maam if you could please calm down for a moment."

"What? Dont tell me theres some kind of other problem."

"Maam,your in some way scaring the patients with your yelling for joy."

"The patients dont know that my Steevey is going to live! You hear all that you patients! My husband will live! Take that!

"Mrs. ____ please calm down. I have to tell you your husbands situation here."

"What? Dont tell me you just made me do all that for nothing. Hes okay right?"

"Not per say. As of now he is sleeping as both you and I would sleep. He is not in a coma or such at all. We know that his heart stopped on the way here. Im very suspicious of this since his damages to his head are not fatal. You see maam...I was under the impression I would be receiving a patient with severe head trauma,enough that would have the brain so badly affected to stop the heart. Your husband has inguries that could be healed in less than 2 weeks. He has only a deep scratch that will be located near his eyebrow. As I said he can be healed. I can not say how he will be when he wakes up since he has not gained consciousness per say. He has spoken though so that rules out coma. He will have to stay the week for us to monitor his vital signs and see if he has been affected by this accident.

"But...hes still well right?"

"Yes he is well. We will on the safe side though monitor him. We could even discharge him tonight but its not that. Its just he almost died in the ambulance and it would be recommended that we see if some thing like that will happen again. It could have just been from shock that his heart stopped but you understand me right?

"Yes, I completely understand. As long as my husband is well then im well. So.. can I see him now? "

"Yes if you would just follow me this way we should be at his room in a minute or 2. So..follow me. I have to admit your husband is a lucky man to be alive.We know that the accident was very severe. The car is completely wrecked We were told plenty of times by the paramdedics. Your husband must have had worn his seat belt and probably had good German airbags. "

"Ahahaha yeah. Well...I love Beemers. I had a car one time that was like a death trap when I was 16. It was soo unsafe. But..I got a car from my dad and even that wasnt safe. The beemers though are just so adorable,fast and dependable. My husband well..he just saw my car when I met him and he just fell for BMWS. We're BMW people so..its good we are if it was those airbags that helped to prevent him from hurting himself."

"Bmws you say? My family hates BMWS. By the way we are almost to his room. Anyway my family,we are Desi,my father forbid any German cars. He say first they too expensive and that they are too small and are unsafe for drivers. My father tried to make my family Toyota lovers. He still has his Toyota but I went for the Honda instead.

"You go for Hondas! AHAH I dont know why Im laughing,we're in a hospital,but a Honda! Their so bad! Everyone knows that! Back in teh day they were good with the accords but the new gxs and all are soo bad.! Wow, sorry I just lately have had a weird experience. I feel like im 16 again lately. Just a little stage im going threw."

"Hey its no problem o we all have our stages and no offense I take for the Honda thing. I know myself Honda is bad, I want to trade for NIssan,it is much cheaper than Honda. Anyway here is your husbands room,room 613. Shall we go in?"

"Yes obviously!"


"Steeevey.Steevey, Steevey Weevey get up. Come on my Steevey Weevey!"

I was in darkness but I could here her voice calling to me. I couldnt see but I tried to move my arm to the dark to reach her. It sounded like ____ was above me calling for me. I had to reach her . ______! _____! Im here . Im here!

"Are you little man? Are you here or are you just talking to yourself?

"Who...whos there?"

"An old friend just saying hi. I'll keep in touch."

That voice in the darkness sounded familiar. It was a raspy voice that sounded too old to even speak...a voice that evoked fear threw me. I felt myself shiver. Where am I?


I heard her voice and all fear was washed away from me. I couldnt even remember who spoke to me. All I knew was ____ back and I had to find her. I saw light in front of me. I could see it and I ran to it. I ran to her voice. I saw the light grow and grow and grow until my whole sight was filled with light.

I opened my eyes to look into my loves eyes ____. She was kissing me and I kissed back. I felt like I had run a thousand miles and my reward after the struggle of running was to be with ____.

"mmmm...this is a nice way to wake up,can we do more things?"

"Steevey! Dont ever scare me like that again! I thought that you would never wake up! I almost was going to shove water down your head! Dr. Roknilajah though said it would spoil the equipment. "

"What did you say? Doctor? Where am I ____?"

"Steve its ok. Your in a hospital. Its like 8:45 in the morning". You had an accident this morning at 7:35.

" WHAT?! I had an accident less than an hour ago?! How am I?"

"Calm down Steevey." She gave me a hug and rubbed my hair. I was beginning to get scared but her hug calmed me down. It was like she had a mystic power to somehow remove all all the pain and fear from me.

She spoke to me in whispers like I was her child rubbing my hair threw.

"Shhh. Steevey its ok. You had an accident but its ok. Your ok. You just came out of it with a scratch."

Thats it a scratch?"

"Isnt that funny Steve? The doctor says you have the same scratch as me right near your left eyebrow except yours is going to be a a whoole lot bigger than mine.

"O real nice way to cheer me up ____"

"Ahahah im sorry I just lately have been feeling like I'm 16 again. Its strange I even said like! I've been using like today like at least 100 times!.

"____ thats fine...when do you think I fell in love with you? I fell in love with you when you were 16. If your going to be 16 then I;ll fall in love with you all over again.

"Awww Steevey. You always have something sweet to say dont you?

"Baaby I may be lying down here but Ill always be sweet for you and Ill keep on being sweet. I was beginnning myself to feel like I was young again. Strange. I hadnt said those kind of pick up lines since I was 16. It must just be that my mind is believing from ____ that we are 16 again.

"sO... Steve. Do you feel better?"

I feel great now ____ but when do I get out of here? Thats the question I want to get answered.

"Steve your not allowed out of here for like a week. Ooops I said like again. I mean your not allowed to leave this hospital until a week has passed.

"Oh wow. What am I going to do the whole time? "

"Rest of course. Get your strength back. You'll need your energy.


"Well...did you think I would forget about this ring and this purse? I think you'll need to get your energy back because honey you and me will be busy with some fun work soon.

"Oooo well dont get my heart racing for you ____ or else the doctors will think Im going crazy over here.

"Ahahah well Steevey Ill be bacK in a bit to get you something to cheer you up.!

"Ok ____ I cant wait to see what it is . I smiled to her and she gave me another of her gorgeous smiles.

I layed my head down on the pillow more and couldnt believe that I was here in a hospital,feeling completely normal with only a scratch on my head. Im in a hospital and my BMW is probably trash now. Its funny how my life changed in less than an hour. I guess I'll be missing that childrens week at the library. I dont think they let cell phones in here so I'll have to ask ___ to call Charlie because he'll have to cvoer for me. Hes my assistant so he knows most of my plans of what I was going to say and do...well.. the boring stuff. Its the funny that he wont have or the wit but at least he;ll get my point across with everyone. I wonder what ____ will bring me. Maybe a pie. I could go for some pie right about now.

Poor Steevey. He must feel like crap right now. Im so thankful that at least hes alive. He still has his sweetness going for him. He seems normal so Im so glad that at least hes all right. I think some pie,though,will cheer him up. Good thing I saved half of it. Im in the hospital's parking lot,its an elevated parking lot so I'm on the 3rd floor. I'm now in front of my pink Beemer putting my keys into the doors lock.

"Dont think he likes that pie. I think he likes chocolate better." What,WHERE THE hell did that voice come from?

"Who's there?"

"An old friend paying my regards to an old friend."

"Well...ok old friend,stay the **** away from me you hear?! You sound like a perv and I've seen movies,I'm not going to be the fool girl to keep on talking to the killer so that he can get closer to me to get me!.

"Ooo feisty little girl arent you?"

"Well ____ dont worry you will be seeing more of me around lately. Eve heard of taking a chill pill? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

Aghhh that laugh. This mans laugh sent goosebumps running down my spine. I started shaking a bit. It must just be the wind and its cold so...thats just a laugh. I better get in my car now...this pervert could be like right next to me!

I turn the key in the lock and quickly get in my beemer. I shut the door and quickly hit the automatic lock for the doors. I put the key in the ignition. Im backing up from my parking space. I look behind me. "BOOO!" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" He's right there sitting in the seat in the back. I scream uncontrollably and run from my car. I quickly take the keys out of the ignition quickly,run out of the car like theres no tomorrow. Other people looking for parking spaces drive by me "Watch it you dumb broad!" "Shove it Im friggin running here!"

Whoa..why am I talking like this and what am I running for? Maybe I'm seeing things. Maybe there was no guy in the car. My door was locked when I entered so...maybe im just imagining things. I think maybe I need a quick nap. Whats happened today has made me feel like I've been awake straight for a week.

I feel like a fool walking back to my car. What if there is someone in the car? What the hell am I walking back to the pervert guy? My cars just right there,I can see it. Its about 45 ft. from me. I dont see anyone in the car. I definitely think I was imagining things. A car suddenly comes around the corner. I feel safer if there was a witness around when I get near the car. If there was someone here they woudnt try **** to try and get me. I run to my car and the driver looking for a space passes by me when I reach my Beemer.

No one is in my car and my door is open still. I definitely think I just imagined that guy. What am I fooling myself? Of course I saw him. Maybe though he was behind the car outside and not inside the car. It doesnt matter. It was probably just some lonely hobo looking for some money and prob from me a piece of ***. AHAHAHAHAHAAHAH! Likes he gonna get it! I dont think so! AHAHAHAHAHAH! so not surprised now that Im thinkinng like this and randomly laughing. I think Ill just go with the flow with what my minds doing. I've been too serious lately. Now just in case I think Ill put my Beemer in a different space. Maybe on the 1st floor. Then im soo giving Steevey his pie. Then he can have the pie to eat...and me to cheer him up! He's already had a bad day but Im going to try to make it better since he made the beginning of my day the greatest.

"Phewww that tasted good." I told ____ after finishing a plate of pumpin pie in my room.

"I know right? You bought like the best pie for me. Whered you get it from anyway? "

"Hmm...I think I think I got it from BJ's."

"You went to BJ's last night? Thats like almost all the way near Cambridge! You went all the way down there last night just for me?" "Well...I was low on aftershave so I had to get that too."

"Steevey, you went all the way to BJ;s just for aftershave? Couldnt you just get that from Sams club,its like a few streets away from our house! " "____ your right but then again, Bj's makes some good pie dont they? "

"Awww so you did go all the way out there just for me!".

"Did you think I would forget the day that we first met? It was the best day of my life. How could I forget it? It was when I met you and that was the best thing to ever happen to me. I met you ____ ,you my best friend in life,my companion"

"Steevey shut up. Your like going to make me cry! I understand. I'll admit that at first I thought you were just another guy from their little gang trying to suck up to me. I was thinking what a lame kid pretending like he actually wants to protect me? Could you do a better job acting ?


"Yeah,Steevey. Im glad I met you that day. I remember I was having a shitty day too. Its like when I started speaking to you,like everything just cleared up and I felt so happy and glad to be around with you.

"Aww ____ now im going to cry. I dont have that kind of affect on you. "

"Of course you do,your my Steevey." She rubs my cheek and looks at me. Her face is so sad. I know how hard it must be for her to see me in this bed,looking like I;m helpless. I see a tear come from her eye and fall down onto the bed.

"___ dont. Please dont cry. I dont want you to cry. I'm ok,I'm going to get threw this for you.

"No Steevey. Its not fair! How could this have happenned to us? You left for work like any other day! You left me the most beautiful gifts that no one has ever given me,you didnt do anything wrong and look whats happened to you! I cant stand to see you here. It's not you. I'm use to seeing you happy and dancing all weird and all that other stuff you do to try to make me laugh."

"_____ come here." I open my arms for her and she enters into my arms. I give her a long hug and a tear falls from my eye into her hair. "I will get threw this. Dont worry ____. Ill get threw this for you. I'll take us away from this pain. Ill take the sadness and pain away from you like I did back at the station." I'll take it all away soon ______.

It is 4:45 P.M March 31st,1999.

"Can I have your attention please? Now boarding for the 4:58 Worcester Express on traaack number 7. I repeat now boarding for the 4:58 Worcester Express on traaaaaaack number 7."

Finnaly, theres my damn train. I'm 16 years old. I'm in South Station in Boston. It is 4:45 P.M. I am sitting at a table with my backpack on my shoulders,eating a Milky Way candybar. I'm sitting with hundreds of other people waiting for other trains to pull in,to Needleham,to Attleboro,to Marlborough,and for others to Florida and Washington D.C. I dont have much time to waste,since if I move slow then I will probably not get a seat for myself and I will have to sit with someone,probably a smelly lady who hasnt taken a shower in days,or maybe next to someone eating a smelly sandwhich. Either way if I want my own whole seat I should move now. The Worcester Express gets packed pretty fast.

It is 4:46 P.M. I get up from my chair and walk to the closest trash bin. I look back to make sure I did not leave anything behind. My seat has in less than 20 seconds been already taken by another person. Seats in the station are hard to get in the afternoon due to packs and packs of people trying to get home from here. I turn my head back from that person who took my chair and look for the trash bin which I find is near the bookstore they have here. Not a bad book store but the prices are soo damn expensive. $21.95 is the price for one Dr. Seuss book. I'm like what the hell? How many commuters are suckers here too actually buy from this store? It seems alot are because this store is still in business.

It is 4:47 P.M. Im turning away from the trash bin and walking a bit faster to the doors that leads to the track. I'm passing by the food court with passing Au Bon Pain,Mcdonalds,Som Dum Guy Chinese food,and I'm outside where the trains are waiting to be boarded. The intercom once again says "Now boarding on the 4:58 Worcester Express on traaaaaack number 7. Also now boarding on the 4:58 train to Providence on traaack number 9. Now boarding on the 4:58 train to Providence on traaack number 9.

I'm walking down the train platform to chooose a car to go too. Hundreds of people are walking with me looking for a car to choose . I walk a bit down since the further cars you go too the less people there are. Everyone takes the first 3 cars and thats where its most packed. Theres some hold up a bit up front. Why is everyone kind of slowing down? Hmm...I try to see more on my tippy toes and I can see that its just a group of kids my age their in the middle of the platform. Well..they should move. Im not going to wait here on this platform all day.

"You know what Jack? I dont like pink. I think pink is for fags,and for girls well then you must be for girls with girls right baby?

"Shut the **** up and leave me alone. Just let me get in the damn train.

"Ooo but what if we dont want too ?"

"Well then I'll just have to kick your *** wont I?

"Oh you hear this Jack?"

"O yeah I be hearing this Johnny. This girl got fangs watch out."

"Ahahah.. how bout this baby dolll, why dont you come with me and Jack here and we'll show you a good time around Boston.

"No thanks I dont need a couple of fags to show me the gay bars around here. I dont go for fags,their not my type."

"You stupid little bit.....!

"Excuse me Johnny is it? Leave the girl alone."

I dont know why I stepped forward. I didnt even know I had the guts to do this. But..I saw that this Johnny was gonna take a hit at this girl. I knew that if he did one hit that someone would stop him if he tried for another but I couldnt allow for even one hit to hit her precious face. I could not just go on with my business without protecting this girl. She was too beautiful. I never saw a girl as pretty as her. I felt like I had to protect her from these scumbags. I had a feeling he was going to make a move so I pushed threw the crowd,got close to Johnny and caught his hand in mid-air before he could do anything.

"Yo,what the hell this kid doing Jack? Let go of my damn hand you little....."

"Hey I dont need to hear any swearing from your mouth. Ill let your hand go if you can leave this girl alone,good idea?

"Like **** it is" " I was soo occupied with this Johnny and me thinking I was saving the day for this girl that I forgot about Johnny's other hand and the other guy Jack.

He took his other hand and punched me hard in the chest. No one saw that move because Jack moved in and got behind me and punched me in the back. I was on the ground. I was thinking what is the girl doing now? What the hell,theres a fight going on here and no one is saying anything. These people,commuters,are so ******* dumbasses! I was on the ground,in a kneeling position.

"I think little boy you picked the wrong fight to play in. Why dont you come with us and we can all have a little fun, Me,Jack and this bitc.....

"I told you shut the hell up! "

My temper came suddenly threw the pain of being punched. I took my hand and punched Johnny behind his leg. His leg by reaction bent down and I took that oppurtunity to rise up and me be above him I took my knee and slammed it hard against his face. As for Jack he stood there in shock and so...for him I turned around and tried to give him one good punch from me. He tried to run away from me . I didnt want to let him get away without some pain so I tried to kick his leg. I did and he ran into a few commuters knocking down a 2 men. His face hit the pavement and I could see at least there was some burns there to let him feel some pain.

I turned around and looked for the girl. She was stepping on the hand of Johnny.

"Who's the *****? WHo?"

"Owww owwwww. Let me go!"

" Not until you say it.!"

"All right All right Im the *****!"

"And what color do you love?"

"I love pink,all right owww oowwwww! damn stop! I said it! I love pink!

"Thats right you better be loving pink! Pink everything got it?!

"Yeah yeah let me go!"

"Hey anything you want to say to this guy? I was just in shock of how she was handling him,then I realized she was speaking to me.

"Ooo yeah. Who loves pink Johnny? I couldnt hear you from over here."

"I love pink. Im sorry, I wont say anything about you guys,just let me go!

"All right get out of here then no ones stopping you!"

The girl let go of his hand and he tried to get up and she kicked his butt. Literally she kicked his butt and he went falling flat on his face on the hard pavement of the platform. I was laughing and we both laughed together. We were laughing like crazy. It was just soo funny. It was something you think you would see on Madtv but this was just too funny. Johnny got up and I saw that he had a scrape on his face and a bloody nose but at least nothing serious from me giving him a knee. My knee kind of hurt but I thought that is definitely worth it to feel some pain. It means that you had a fight and kicked butt at the end.

Johnny ran back down the platform running with a limp holding his butt. It was such a funny scene that me and the girl laughed at him and pointed at him. The commuters were staring at us like we were lunatics. They even turned to look at what we were pointing at. Johnny was gone but we were still pointing so I think the commuters believed we were laughing at the station.

"Wow...that was soo funny."

"I know right? Like did you see him run holding his ***? What a loser."

I felt now a bit shy speaking to a girl I didnt even know. I was thinking to myself ok your speaking to a girl. Well come on keep on speaking. Dont just walk off now into the train and leave it at that!

"Um...yeah so we make a good team kicking butt.

"Ahaha yeah I guess we do. You did a good job of getting those guys. Thanks for what you did. Like I dont think anyone was even going to do anything."

"Well...if you've been on the train alot then you should know that commuters are like zombies. They just walk and thats about it. They dont really have much sense and can be the biggest suckers for anything."

"Ahahaahahah! Wow thats funny. So your a brave,thoughtful, funny guy. Whats your name?"

"I'm Steve."

"Thats it,just Steve?"

"Yeah,just Steve.

"Hmm...well since your so cute and so nice I think I'll call you Steevey! "Steevey...hmm that sounds good. Am I like your lost puppy to name me? "

"You could be. Where you been all this time? I been taking this train for a week now but I havent seen you around before." "

"Last call boarding call for the 4:58 Worcester Express,last call for the 4:58 Worcester Express.

"Oh I think thats time for us to leave this place" said the girl.

"Yeah I guess so. Wow look,we're like the only people on this platform now."

"Yup so...Steevey shall we go in? She pointed to the train car.

"Well after you maam".

"Aww thank you Steevey."

We entered the train together and I felt like I was in a whole new world. I've been using the commuter rail to get to school this whole year and its already the end of March and wow...theres a bit of a change in my life now meeting this beautiful girl.

It is 4:58 P.m, March 31st 1999.

Who is this guy? I cant believe he just saved me from those guys. I probably could have got them both but still...he actually came and stood up for me. Thats sweet...I didnt see no one else do that for me. He handled it so well too...well except for that punch at the beginning he got from that guy but I think he was too distracted looking at me. His face was like what the hell am I doing? It was soo funny. But he really saved me from those guys. Steevey...thats such a nice name. I always come up with the cool things. Hmm...Steevey. Steevey Weevy. That sounds nice. I should sit with him, see how this Steevey is. Who knows ,speaking to these commuters has been so boring,its like they have no life. Steevey,I think maybe he could entertain me for the ride like that would be so fun. Well first I want to see how he's going to handle getting me or himself a seat. I know for sure he wants to be serious with me if he sits with me,if he sits across me,then hes such a mamas boy.

Ok..lets see shes right behind me and every chair is filled with people. There must be a way to get a seat. I want to sit next to her. I never even sat next to a girl before and spoke to her! Maybe I should find my own seat and just say Ill see you later then. What am I stupid? I just saved the girl and I'm just gonna let her go just like that? Shes so different from other girls. Most of the girls are all the same just trying to show their fronts and backs as much as possible. But shes not like that. I def can see her front and back but not because she wants everyone too,its just there. She seems so unique,her looks are great and she's funny too. I could definitely have fun speaking to her. It'd be I think like the first time I actually have a whole conversation with a girl and this trip is like an hour and a half so that would definitely be a long conversation. Im just too shy. I have to step up. Im so going to get me and her a seat. Just me and her.

Ok what the hell is Steevey doing? Hes just standing there,looks like hes thinking. Like wow,if its going to take him this long to find a seat,I think I should find my own seat then and call it quits with him.


"Yes son?"

"Sir,your sitting in my seat."

"Excuse me ? I didnt see you sitting here before but if you would like too I can share this seat with you and if the girl over there is with you,I can let her fit here too.

"Sir,thats a great idea. Thats very thoughtful of you but you see sir,shes my sister. She's um...come here.

I lean close to the guys ear...

"Shes a bit retarded,birth defect at birth."

"O how tragic.

"Yes sir,its hard for her to adjust to life. You see sir,today is the first time that she is on a train. Now she may not look scared,but you see I tried sitting her down in the last car with some people and she completely started screaming. If you catch me sir,I didnt want to stay in that car since I would be receiving stares and such and I dont want my sister to be stared at.

"O yes son. I understand. I had a grandmother who was exactly the same way. I had to watch her everyday at my home. It was hard but it feels good in the end that your helping your family doesnt it?

"Yes it is sir... it will help her in the future. "

"Yes,so you need the whole chair then,because she'll prob get nervous with me right?

"Yes sir,howd you know? My grandmother was the same when we use to go to the groceries. God bless your soul young man."

"As well as yours sir for taking care of your grandmother."

"Yes,thank you and good luck with your not soo well sister.

"Thank you sir."

O my God! I cant keep a straight face here! Its so hard. Im not the well sister! AHAHAHA that was sooo damn funny and smart as well. Like wow,that was classy bsing. Well I think he got us seats.So...he must want to sit with me because theres one empty seat next across from the large seat. So...he definitely wants to sit with me.

"After you maam."

"Uhhh thank you Steevey brother hahaha".

"Thank you sister." I sit down across from the girl in the single chair.

I really do want to sit next to her but I want to be sweet to her first.

"So..why are you sitting there? What did you get this huuuge seat for?"

"I got it for you. You look tired and I thought I would give you a seat for you to rest."

"Aww...thats so nice. You bullshitted that guy just to get a seat just so I can get this huge seat?"

"Well,yeah like I said you look tired and I think maybe you should relax,put your feet up. You couldnt do that with me there.

"O really? And why is that?"

"Well let me show you why."

I got up from my seat and sat down next to her.

"Put your feet up now and you;ll see why I thought you also wouldnt want me to sit there." She put her feet up and her shoes rested on me. She was wearing pink flufy boots. They looked nice. They werent even dirty from her walkin whereever. Her boots were even perfect. I didnt know what was going on here but I felt like this girl was someone special. Not just your average girl you meet and then never see again. I think this girl was someone that would be a good friend of mine for the future.

"Hmm..I see your point but why wouldnt you want my foot on you? You dont love my pink boots?"

"Of course I love your boots! Their pink and I like pink as a color. I just never thought of making it my favorite color. "

"Well you should because pink is like the most best color in the world. It's like so pink! Its bright,its pink. Pink is good with everything,food,clothes,cars even,even for hair!

"Ahahaha well if you say so. Before we keep on didnt get your name yet.

"Ahahah really? I'm ____"

"Thats a nice name to have."

"You think so or are you just saying that?"

"Well you tell me does this face lie? =).

"Ahahaha no I dont think so but thanks for telling me that.

"So your Steevey and im ____.


" you mind my shoes on you?

"No,no its ok. Keep them there. If your boots being there makes you feel better then leave them there. At least I get to look at your nice pink boots."

"Aww, I realize that you have alot of sweet things to say. Can you always talk sweet?" "Well...yeah most of the time I can talk sweet. I'll tell you now..Im a bit shy so..I never really used my sweetness with other girls. In fact your probably like the first girl that I ever really had a long conversation with.

"Omg really? I feel so special now. So im the first girl to hear Steevey's sweetness!"

"You could say that. live in Worcester?"

"No I live in that other little town near Worcester."

" Oooo you mean Strawberry." "Yup,strawberry. How bout you? "

"Im a woostarian born and raised."

"Awesome, I know Worcester like the back of my hand. Where do you live around ?

"Do you know Main South? I live around there."

"OOoo the not so good area. So what are you doing on a train going all the way from Boston?"

"I go to school in Boston. The school system in Worcester sucks.

"Hmm..well I go to Strawberry and it not that bad. The school is kind of gay but ehh..its ok."

"Thats cool I guess."

"So...what have you been going to Boston this week for? "

"This week is lke the worse week to be in school for me right now so I've been skipping.

"Skippping school?You actually skip school? That doesnt really help you out much at the end does it?"

"Are you a nerd?"

"What, you think im a nerd? What happened to sweet,funny,brave Steevey?"

"Ahahaha were sticking up for school. If you went to Strawberry high then you woudldnt be talking like that."

"Maybe thats true,but still you get one day to hang around but is it really worth it? A day is 24 hours but if you fail in life thats about 50 years ahead of you in failure. "

"50 years of failure? I dont think I;ll be missing out on much if I skip a week.

"Yeah but one week leads up to two weeks and then two weeks leads up to three weeks and then"

"Steevey I get it! Ok!You say I shouldnt skip school.

"Welcome to the 4:58 Worcester Express. This is the 4:58 Wooorcester Express. This train will be making stops too Backbay,West Natick,Framingham,Ashland,Southborough,W... Wooooooorcester. We hope you enjoy your trip today with the MBTA. The train will move in just a few moments so..please take your seats"

"So..____ how old are you?"

"Im 16 right now." "How about you?"

"Im 16 too,yay we're 16 woohoo!"

An old man sitting in the seat in front of us turned in his chair to look at me and ___.

"Hey,kid can you quiet down?!"

"Kid? Im a kid. Old man would you please stay in your business and Ill stay in my business?" I told the guy. ____ was turning a light shade of pink on her cheeks and I was wondering if she knew even her body turned pink at times.

"Dont try to act like a smartass all right kid? Ive had a bad day and I dont need to hear kids yelling behind me. I hear enough noise from my wife."

"Your wife is noisy? Well maybe she should be! Im a woman and I think that your wife made a mistake choosing you for a husband. "Hmpphhh,just keep quiet ok?"

"We;ll try sir. If you could please turn around then we shall try our most bestest to be quiet ok mr adult? =) I told the guy with a big smile.

"Smartas..." The man turned back to his seat.

"I guess we're good at dissing people too"

"Yeah,these people are so annoying. I hate people like that. Why cant they just mind their own business?"

"I dont know ___, sometimes people have their problems and they dont know where to put their feelings. I dont want to receive that guys feelings though. I have my own problems."

"Yeah,this year has been hell for me. I have to work right after I get off this train. Thats like till 9 and then I have like load of h.w and I'm too lazy to do it now.

"I usually do the h.w now or sleep." I told ____.

"Sleeping sounds good. I'm so tired. Howd you know that I would like get tired and do this whole stretch myself out?"

"I kind of had a feeling thats all. It's like a sixth sense for me. I see something or an event and in my mind I just plan something out like what can follow next. I saw you and you just looked tired too me so..Im thinking we're going on a train and theres these big chairs,maybe she'll want to lay down."

"Maybe that guy was right,maybe you are a smartass!"

"Hey ___,I'm so not. I'm just smart but that doesnt mean I'm not funny."

The train suddenly makes a bulge and _____ is pushed almost out of her seat. I quickly lean myself forward and catch her around the waist. "Hahahah,I wasnt expecting that! Thanks for that too,nice reflexes."

"I couldnt just let you fall on the floor with me sittting above you. I would feel feel bad that I didnt do anything. And its a dirty floor and you dont need to get yourself dirty."

"Dirty? I;m a dirty girl little boy."

"Your dirty? Ohh so if you hold on, let me get a tissue and wipe you off."

"No,you loser I'm dirty,get it? Ok so your getting boring."

"Yeah,I think I;m just tired myself,alot has happened for me for one day. Your alot of work to take care of.

"I think your doing a good job at it but its ok I can handle things,it's no problem."

"Yeah I know,its just my personality I guess,I just dont want a pretty girl to hurt herself,by the way this is so random but you say like alot."

"Yeah no kidding. I can like say like a 100 times in a conversation. Like how was the weather today,wasnt it like great,like I wore my boots for nothing because like I thought it was going to snow in Boston today. Ahaha thats how I usually say like."

"I say like but I say you know alot when I'm nervous."

"I didnt hear you say you know yet so you must not be nervous yet?"

"I'm a chilled out guy __ nothing gets me nervous"

"You know what Steevey your right! I love you too much and for that I want to give you a kiss."

"A KISS?! Um...why would you want to do that now? I mean,you know we just met,you know. "

"Steeevey its ok I;m going to kiss you right now!

" know its ok,I just think you know...nows that the, you know, time to start kissing here on, a you know train!

"I got you! I cant believe it. Me giving you a kiss is what would make you nervous?"

"Um...I never kissed anyone before."

"That sucks for you Steevey. Dont worry I;m not going to kiss you,I think you need some chapstick anyway."

"What? My lips arent that bad!" I touch my lips and feel that their kind of rough.

"Ok,so..maybe they need some chapstick but you dont think I have good lips?

"Their not pink lips like mine!"

"I see like actually a mix of pink and red."

"No,theres only pink. You must be color blind because there is only pink."

"Oooooo,yeah pink. Wait when I turn my head this way,then,yeah, you do have pink lips!"

"I told you I have pink lips silly Steevey."

"Now arriving at BackBay. Baackbayy."

It is 5:10 p.m March 31st 1999.

"So... I'm tellin this kid to chill out,then he takes a punch at me right at my face but he gets me in the chin!"So,I punched him in the face back...but just like a side punch but then he called me some low name like fag or something then....."

"Then what,come on tell me more!" "So,I lost it. I just started chasing him down the parking lot and hes screaming like a baby. I'm all get over here boy! Get over here! Then I tackled him down but the teachers saw me so I got suspended,we both got it too. Then when we were having our suspension he was telling me... "Hey,Steve man,why did you punch me for?"

"What a loser. He actually asked you that?

"Well,I think there was a swear somewhere in that question but I cant remember in what context did he swear."



It is 6:38 P.m,March 31st 1999 .

"Well,it looks like we're here."

"Yup,so if you let my boots go Steevey."

"What? Oh,yeah! Sorry." What was I doing? I realized that I had been rubbing _____'s leg,or what it looked like when I realized it massaging. I quickly took my hand away and let her feet fall to the floor by accident.

"You could'nt have done that a bit easier?"

"Sorry,I just realized that I was massaging your leg kind of.

"You didnt know you were doing that?"

"No,was I doing that the whole time?"

"Yeah,that felt good though."

"I'm glad it did but I didnt even know I was doing it." "Who cares? We have to get off the train." "Yeah,lets go." I stood up from the chair and walked down the car with ____ behind me. I coudlnt believe it. I had such a great time speaking with her. We talked about everything and I'm sure we probably got alot of attention with us laughing. I cant believe that I spoke with her and I was even massaging her without realizing it? Whats going on with me?

It doesnt matter. I wont see her if she goes to school. She met me because she's skipping! Crap! I should get her cell or something then to speak with her. Thats better than nothing I guess.

That was great to speak with Steevey. I didnt think that he would be that fun speaking with. He's just different from other guys. He's weird but in a nice way. I cant explain it. Aghh,I'm so tired. Well,he's from here so maybe we can hang out sometime. Imagine that,we could have a friggin great time. Laughing at the people we see. I wish he was at my school. We would be getting everyone. Everyone would envy us. is right about school though. My friends are great to hang with in Boston but will they be around me 50 years from now? Maybe not. 50 years from now..phewww thats a long time from now. What if I grew up to have no friends? How would I get threw life? I wouldnt be skipping anything if I didnt have any friends.

Wait! I met Steevey because I'm skipping. How will I see him again if I'm not skipping? ****! I should get his cell or something then to speak to him. Thats better then nothing I guess.

"Steevey,whats you cell phone number?"

"____ whats your cell phone number?"



"DOUBLE JINX!,got you Steevey!"

"No I got you first ____ but Ill let it go"

"Let it go? I think your dreaming!"

"Whatever! I just want to know can I get your number?"

"Yeah of course! Do you got a number?"

"Yup. I dont got a cell on me now but I got one."

"Ok so Steevey want to get a paper? "

"Yeah let me get it out of my backpack."

I drop my backback in front of her feet and bend down to look inside my backpack. While I'm looking I take a look at ____ and look at her shoes and move my sight up from her boots to her legs,from her legs to her chest,from her chest to her lips,from her lips to her eyes. From her eyes.....

"Steevey,I dont have any paper! So why are you looking at me?"

"I thought I saw something in your eye thats all."

"What was it?" "I dont know"

"Real nice Steevey,you see something and you dont know what it is."

"Ok I got the paper and a pen. So..._____ your number puh lease?"

"Ok so its 457-846-8610. Yours is?"

"Got your handy dandy cell phone ready ___?"

"Yeah yeah,just hurry up ,its friggin cold!"

"Ok,ok its 457-145-9076. "

"Ok,and thats the number for Steevey. Ok all done your in my contacts. Now let me get to my damn car. Want to walk me to my car? "

"You got a car?"

"Yeah Steevey,im 16. Dont you have a car?"

"Actually no. I get picked up by my mom. Shes parked probably at the front of the station.

" cars in the back of the station which is where we are so... do you just want to go to your mom?

"No,its ok. I always take a few minutes to get to her anyway when I come here since I usually buy a snack from the station. "

"Ok Steevey."

"You have a beemer."

"Yeah do you like it?"

"It's ok."

"Its ok? Thats it?

"Well I always wanted a Honda Accord. Those are the best."

"Steevey,are you crazy? Get your head inside my car noww!"

"What?" Before I know it she takes me by the collar of my shirt and leads me into the car. She opens the passenger side door and shoves me inside.

"What the fu...........................O my God!"

"What was that Steevey?" "...................................,Whe... have you been all my life baby?"

"Steevey are you talking to me? Hey stop kissing my dashboard!"

"I cant help it ___. This car is just amazing. These pink seats,the pink mats. This car smells like pie and chocolate too! What kind of spray did you use?"

"Welll......" She opens the glove copartment and chcolate wrappers and some candy bars fall out. She turns my head so that I;m facing the passenger seats. There is a half finished pie wrapped in a pink wrap sitting on the seat.

"Mmmmm that looks tasty ___. What kind of pie is it?"

"It's pumpkin pie. Its one of my most like favoritest pies in the whole world. "

"Hmm..well I think I have some time to spare with my mom but,um..I know you have to go to work but instead of kissing your saver of the day, you can share with me some of your delicious pie or how about we eat it together?

"Um...dont you have a mom to go too?"

"Okay so your trying to push me away now? Your so mean.

"Iam not!"

"Yes you are. You dont want to share. Your kindegarden teacher so failed in teaching you sharing.

"Shut up Steevey and open the other door for me. Lets eat some damn pie."

"Phew...that tasted goooood ______"

"Yeah I know right? Its so friggin good. No one can resist the power of the pumpkin pie."

"No kidding,so where did you get it from?"

"I got it from BJ's in Masalborough,the one near the highway."

"Wow,they make awesome pies,I'm not much of a pie lover. In fact I like havent eaten a pie since like the 5th grade maybe."

"What? How can you say you havent eaten pie in like a million years? Are you craazy?"

"I must be because I'm loving pie now."

"Yeah no kidding Steevey."

"So,I think I made you late for work by like 5 minutes. Sowwy ____"

"No,its all right Steevey. I probably wouldnt have eaten that until after work. But I feel so much better with pie in me to do anything,even work!"

"Whoa calm down ____. There wasnt anything like illegal in this pie right?"

"Shut up Steevey. Oh would you look at that. You have something on your chin.

"What? I dont feel anything on my chin. Let me check your mirror. Yeah theres definitely not anything there.

"O I think I see something there Steevey." I'm going for it. I just want to do it to see what he'll do. This is so stupid but I'm going for it for fun. Just for fun to see how he'll react. I just hope he doesnt go all Bruce Lee on me with his reflexes and like karate chop me.

What is she talking about? There is nothing there. I dont see nothing on my chin. Maybe she can get it for me,whatever it is,Ill show her my face to better get whatever is there on my chin. "See _____, theres nothing here check yoursel! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what the mhmmmmmm.

I cant believe I'm actually kissing him right now. Why am I even doing this? I moved in for the kiss. I'm not a crazy girl going after the guys but Steevey,he just attracts in me some weird way that no other guy has. Okay why am I thinking like this? Why am I thinking about mushy mushy romantic stuff? This is weird. I feel so different. Whats up with this Steevey? Mmmmm forget thinking for now. For now let me just kiss this guy here. Mmm..his lips taste like pumpkin pie. My favorite!

It is 6:45 P.M, March 31st 1999

"Phewww...that tasted good."

"Ahahaha your not a bad kisser Steevey for a first time kisser."

"I guess I didnt need chapstick after all."

"Thats because my pumpkin pie made your lips fresh and sweet."

"Good job ____,now your learning the ways of talking sweet."

"Whatever you say."

"Why did you do that for?"

"I dont know,just something to do for fun. I just randomly thought "kiss the Steevey" and I did."

"So,was there anything on my chin after all?"

"Well,wheres a goatie? I think you would look good with a goatee around there.

"I dont think my beard is ready to go all goateeish. For you though ____,I'll make a goatee come out for you."

"I think I've had enough sweetness for one night Steevey. I cant believe after all this I still have to go to work. Too bad we couldnt hang out tonight but...a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.

"Ok _____,that was corny."

"I know but it sounded like great to say for the moment. "

"Whatever you say. So...thanks for the kiss. Ok that sounds weird saying thanks for but it was a good experience. I guess I'll call you later?"

"Yeah I guess you will. Now hurry on back to your mama."

"Hey dont worry about me and my mama. Pretty soon I'll be the one driving the nice Beemer just like you."

"Good luck with that Steevey. Just make sure you dont get it jacked down at Main South." "Hey,my Beemer will be pink. Who would want to be seen jacking a pink Beemer. Anyone seeing them with that would be laughing at them.

"You never know Steevey,I think there are some jackers who have the hots for pink. Maybe I'll even be the one jacking your ride."

"I'd like to see you try baaby."

"Ahahaha ok so I definitely gotta run or else my boss will fire me and my parents will have a fit so okay Steevey,get out of my car now.

"Okay ____, Ill talk to you later." "You too Steevey."

It is 6:48 P.M,March 31st 1999.

"What took you so long?Did the train come late?"

" mom. Just the train met something new in the railroad tracks today. I guess the train cant work without this new thing in the tracks because once the train left that something in the railroad,the train felt like it was missing one of its pieces to keep on moving down the railroad tracks."

"Steve,what are you talking about? Did someone offer you drugs in the train today?You better have said NO!"

"No,mom no. No drugs. Just never mind. I had a test today so maybe I'm just tired. "

"You better at least receive a 80 in that test. You studied all night on that Algebra test."

"Yeah,no kidding. I dont know. I hope I do good on that. I didnt like the look the teacher gave me when I gave in the test. She looked at my test like it was a piece of crap. "

"Steve,watch your mouth!"

"Mom,crap isnt a swear!"

"In my book it is,and that means that crap is a swear."

"So,mom in your book is stupid a book? Stupid as in the book you made is stupid?"

"Steve,dont argue with me. Dont make me take away your computer."

"Aghhh,mom I'm just tired. I dont need a threat of losing my stuff.

"Why dont you sleep then Steve while I drive home?"

Sounds good mom. Sounds good.

"What took you so long girl?! Did you even think about coming on time tonight? Or did you think that your services werent needed here tonight? "

"Ricky,I know I'm late by like 5 minutes. I'm sure no customers came in 5 minutes."

"How would you know,you werent at your register 5 minutes ago."

Okay,why is Ricky acting like something is up his pants? He really needs to see some help. It's only 7:07,work started at like seven so I dont see why he's acting like I showed up an hour late. After I said bye to Steevey,I had some chocolate and then I decided to take I-290 to get to work faster. If I even tried using Strawberry St.,I would have been caught in so much traffic and then RT. 9,aghhh I would have came at like 8. Rick should shut his mouth since I'm here 7 minutes late instead of an hour.

Ricky is my lame manager's assistant. He's the guy that watches the employees when the manager is'nt around or when the manager is at the Customer Service desk,which is like everyday. So,I have never even seen the manager. For Ricky though,I see alot of this kid. Hes like probably only 17 and he thinks that he can boss me around. These kind of people really need to get their butt kicked like that Johnny kid. I would so do it now but I better have another job lined up for myself if I do that.

"Ricky,I think your exagerating. I think I do know if someone was coming to my register 5 minutes ago."

"O really Miss ___,how would you know that?"

"Hey Zeyno! Yeah did you see anyone come up my register in the past 5 minutes?"

"Nah girl,nah. Theres not even anyone here. No ones been coming up to my register for I say 10-15 minutes at least."

"Thanks Zeyno"

"Hey Ricardo!"

"HEYY ____! What you be needing from the Ricardo baby?"

"Ricardo,you see anyone come up my register in 5 minutes?"

"Nah,no one. Only register to get anyone has been Catalina down on register 2. We just be all waiting here for people."

"Thanks Ricardo"

Ricky was looking at the clock above him which was on the stores wall near the exit. His back was turned to me and I tapped him on the shoulder. I wish I didnt though,when I took my finger back, it was all wet. Ewww,was that like gel or sweat? I didnt want to know.

"Excuse me, Ricky did you listen to my fellow employees?"

"_____, I dont have time to listen to what you or your fellow employees have to say. Just please get to your register while I settle matters that have suddenly come up to my attention in a department."

"Ok Ricky,you have fun with those matters in the womans department."

"Excuse me ___ did you say something?"

"Yeah,Ricky I said I wish I could do what you do,the way you make sure everything is organized in the store. "

"Why thank you ____. With that kind of attitude,you could get somewhere one day."

He walked off to the mens clothing but everyone knew that he walked threw the mens clothing to get to womans clothing and did whatever he did in that department.

"Yo ____ you got Ricky gooood. We were all crackin up!"

"Yeah ____,you always can make someone look a fool cant you?"

"Yeah guys,it's a gift."

"Excuse me girl over there! Are you open?!"

"Yes maam,number 7 is open. By the way my name is _____ not girl.

"_____ what a nice name. Would you be so nice as to ring me up with these items here in my cart?" "Certainly maam."

It is 10:07 A.M, March 31st 2009.

"I remember Rick being an idiot that day. I dont know why I remember so well him being like that. He was like that every day but on that day I can remember everything so clearly."

"Same here ____. Why didnt we ever speak about March 31st before? We've known each other for 10 years and been married for 6 years! We never even brought it up on the anniversary of the day we met all those years before. It would be me with something special for you and you something for me. Then,we'd just go on with our lives."

"Steevey,this is like what I learned in some psychology I wanted to take a few years back,about the human mind,um...what was it,hmm?"

"It's ok ____ if you cant remember,I cant remember half of what I learned in---"

"Hold it! Now I remember. Our minds are so use to things that we have that when it is taken away from us,the mind must cope and adapt to the new changes that has occured. To lose something precious and dear can make the brain go threw stress and threw that stress,the brain has to fix its self consciousness and change the habits that we learn to do with that something or someone. To actually get back what we lost,then the brain must rearrange it's self again and put back the old habits,all that stuff that it tried to erase it must put back. As human nature,we then take care and love more that something or someone. Steevey,I think that we almost lost each other today. We were never in this kind of predicament before although I have a feeling like I've gone threw this before."

"Gone threw before? What do you mean? I dont remember having any fatal accident. Your right though,when I was driving to work this morning I saw some commuters and I thought back to my travelling days. I just remember thinking too myself that it was great travelling because I met you at the end and then I had a feeling like something else happened on a train before. It's weird.

"That is weird Steevey,how can we just forget something if it is important? I can remember almost everything we did with each other since 10 years back. Its not like trying to remember your 1st grade science project."

"My project was too put plant seeds in a sponge and see if it would grow."

" Okay....well let me fix my point. Its not like trying to remember your first baby steps. Beat that!"

"Um....well I remember.....yeah."

"I thought so hmphhh."

"Anyway _____, that was a good day speaking to you on the train. Did we speak to each other that night? "

"Um...I dont think I can remember."


"I dont know. I havent thought back that long for awhile. I mean yeah I always remembered how you saved me from the two guys,I can even still remember their names. Johnny and Jack,so I also remember some of our conversation in the train. That night I was tired. I dont think thats important Steevey. I think whats important to remember is what happened to us those years back. I'm sure we were still young when whatever happened.

"Right ____,but I dont think whatever happened on the day we met."

"Probably not. But whatever happened it happened to both of us together because how can we both know there was something bad that happened.

"Wait,why do you think something bad happened ____?"

"Well come on Steevey,if something good had happened,dont you think we would remember it? Mostly I'll admit now,its just been you celebrating our first day we met. I celebrate every day I'm with you. The point is Steevey,if something bad had happened that day to both of us,I'm sure you would remember. Any other day...well I dont think you would remember because its JUST another day knowing me,not for the first time. You understand what I'm trying to get at Steevey?"

"___,just wow. My head must be just too slow to catch up with yours. That means your smarter than me today! I love you when you talk smart just like you did when you told me about children's eye colors."

"Steevey,this is serious here. It's great that we're taking a trip down memory lane together but like remember that you were in an accident! I was stalked by some weirdo in the parking lot! You told me you saw someone in the truck you thought you saw before! Steevey,something is like going down big here with us and I'm scared! You cant get us out of this because you have to be stuck here in this bed! What am I suppose to do when visiting hours are over?! I'm too scared to go home! Like what the hell? Something is going on with us Steevey! Sweet talk is over! I know we have a strong love but our love wont stop whoever or whatever's going on out there to get us! I just cant take it Steevey! I wish you could just be with me when I have to go home tonight! I'm sorry that like I'm raising my voice too! Like I need to get this all off my chest Steevey! Listen to me here! Dont tell me the drugs put you to sleep!"


"Steevey,I know your awake. I know you can hear just like you heard me talk about that purse at the table. "

"Okay,fine so I'm up. ___ I cant believe your acting like this. First of all,it's not like you. Thats how I'am suppose to talk. Okay...but you want serious Steevey. he is ___. I say that we have nothing to fear in the present. It's just in our past something happened,it didnt affect our relationship or else we wouldnt be married but something happened and I think we're just being very paranoid. There shouldnt be anyone trying to get us, I didnt pick any fight with some guy at work. I think theres nothing we can do right now. Just because we want to remember something,doesnt mean it will just come like that! I know that we've someone or something but it could just be our minds playing tricks with us! We have to calm down! What the hell happened to us in less than an hour? Why are we talking like this?

"Steevey,I dont know. I feel so scared like I'm not in control of myself right now.

"____,thats impossible. Nothing has happened to us in the past hour. All we did is hug and then.... I guess I slept with you."

"What?! How'd we do that in here? You must be going crazy Steevey or maybe thats your something talking!"

"Hey,stay with me here ___. You know I meant like I slept on your shoulder. I think we fell asleep in each other's arms right?

"Yeah,I felt so comfortable with you and then I just had a dream of you saving me from those guys and what I was thinking when I met you and then I remembered everything we did,even that kiss.

"What? You had the same dream I did! I felt like I was reliving every moment of it. My heart beating fast and me thinking my head should I stay with her or not. You felt that way too?

"Yeah! Like exactly the same."

"Okay,thats weird ___"

"No,its not. You said so yourself that you wanted to make me feel better. Right before I fell asleep,I remember you said that you were going to take everything away and make me feel better like you did at the station."

"I said that and I meant that. Okay but _____,I just want to know why are we acting like this? Why are we sounding like theres a killer outside our door? Why arent we talking mushy mushy like everything is right in the world? When I woke up after the accident you were here happy to see me alive. Now...I'm alive and well but your freaked out and somehow Iam too! What's going on?

"Okay Steevey. We're not going anywhere with this thing about what happened to who and who did what? Why dont we take a deep breath. (Sigh)


"Feel better Steevey?"

"Yeah.I feel a bit better. Everyone always said taking deep breaths helps out alot in difficult situations."

"Well,I guess everyone was right,werent they?"

"Mhmm,I guess so."

"Steevey,this may sound weird's still so early in the morning only 10:17. We have till 9 p.m till visiting hours are over. I want to do whatever I have to do with you before the day is over. I feel like if we dont do whatever has to be done then when the clock strikes 12,something even worse will happen to us."

"____,nothing bad has happened to you. It's only me that has been in an accident and I thank God that I came out of it alive with just a deep scratch."

"Steevey,this calls for a time of psychology. I know I'm like studying Science right now but I think my 1st years of college will help us out here because thats when I took psychology."

"So,____ what do you expect us to do sitting in this hospital room?"

"I expect us too get things straightened out. I want us to remember everything thats happenned to us. Not everything but everything when we were 16. Our first year knowing each other. I just feel that there wasnt anything to happen to us after that. Dont ask me why Steevey,I just dont know why,just trust me on this."

"I was just going to say the same thing ____. Your right though. Whatever it is,maybe nothing at all even,we should try to remember. Even like I said if it is nothing,whats so bad about remembering our past right?"

"Steevey,your absolutely right."

" Okay ___,so what did you do after that Rick thing,anything important?"

"No,well it was a slow night so I spoke with my friends at the counter and thats about it,how about you?"

"Got home and I think I just spoke to some friends on the phone and iming too."

"Yeah! Iming, I havent done that for agess! Like wow I'm surprised we still even remember that stuff!"

"Yeah no kidding,once we got to college we just stuck with the e-mails."

"Ok,Steevey so stick to the subject here before I slap your head."

"Ok ok ok! So...what did you do that night at your job?"

It is 7:45 P.m,March 31st,1999

Wow,why does time have to move so slow? Why is it that whenever I'm enjoying myself,thats when time moves its ***? Why is it whenever I'm doing the most boring crap,thats when time decides to slow itself down? Ughh. Ive only been at my register for like 45 minutes but it feels like 3 hours already. No one has approached my register with their useless shopping since that old lady came up. I cant believe she called me girl. Like hello? I wear a name tag that says in bright blue:

"Hello Customer! My name is ________! How can I assist you today?" with a bright yellow smiley face on the side of the tag. You like cant miss my name in blue dark letters. That lady just had to call me girl. What the hell was her problem? Shes lazy to not look at my tag? I was standing like 2 ft away from her. Okay,calm down. Your so bored that your complaining in your head about some lame lady. I got to find something to do with everyone. Oh hey,theres Zeyno. She's coming over to my register. Well...if she comes over to speak to me,well then everyone will just leave their reigsters and just come hang with me at mine.

"Hey ___,dont you wish we could just bust out of here and go see a movie right now?"

"Yeah,Zeyno. And after that we could go eat out!"

"Yeah Im pretty hungry. Where would you want to go?"

"Probably Uno's or something. I dont know. As long as whereever we go has some desert with some nice pie or something sweet...then I'm so there."

"You and your desert. Dont you think you should chill with the pie and stuff? Even when your hungry you say pie. Like right now I'm hungry and I could go for some chicken!"

"Yeah chiickaaan! I want to get my hands on some of that KFC ****." Thats Ricardo.

"KFC? Ricardo thats like the place everyone says has rats! I would never eat there. Imagine if I found like a rats *** in my chicken! Like ewwwwwwwww!"

"AHAHAHAHAHAH! Rats ***? Okay ___ I was so not expecting to hear that."

"Ahahahaha, ____ you know what ___? I still go for chickaan rats *** and all. Chicken is chicken to me. No rat is gonna change that."

"Okay but your going to KFC by yourself later. I'm so not going to a place with rats."

"I'm right with you ___. Sigh. We still have another 2 hours of this."

"Yeah no kidding Zeyno. I'm like so tired. I still have h.w to do after work and like I dont even think I could hang with you guys after work. I'd get home to late."

"Ahhh,so ____ its a good thing you didnt come too late tonight. Rick would have tried to fire your *** if you should up at the 7:30 time.

"Yeah Ricardo! I had to like almost speed down 290! I was like busting my beemers butt off. I was like in such a rush I almost even missed my exit! I thought I passed it and I was like ****! I was gonna go into a fit then I saw a sign that said my exit was for another mile so I was like phewww.

"Your Beemers one fast car ____. That thing kicks ***."

"Thanks Ricardo"

"So..___ you had to speed down 290 and all because the train came late?"

"Howd you know I was taking a train today?"

"Drrr?You like was tellin us all you were gonna skip today and take the train to Boston in the morning."

"OOOO,yeah I did. I've had a weird day for sure. My friends were kind of assholes in Boston. They like made me pay for everything. The subway,the food,the movie,everything was just kind of bad today for me.

"What makes it weird though?"

"Welllll.....I met a guy."

"You met a guy? Again?"

"___,yo girl how many guys you going to meet?

"Guys shut up! It wasnt like that! This guy was...different."

"Dont tell me you found a he/she."


"Ahahahaha! Shut up Ricardo! This guy was definitely a guy. I friggin even kissed this guy."

"You what?! Yo this girl must be going locko on us Zeyno."

"Ill say. How can you kiss a guy in like less than a day?"

"Actually less than 2 hours."

"Were you high when this was all goin on?"

"Hey,this guy is different ok? He wasnt after a piece of me." He was like .................

It is 7:38 P.m, March 31st 1999

393kts(7:40:25):hey whats up?

jengaboy347(7:40:29):yo,I;m doing good Steve,how bout u?

393kts(7:40:35):tired,same as usual I guess.

jengaboy347:dude,your always tired. You always same the same thin everytime I say how about u?

393kts:because dude,it's true. I'm always tired. I friggin take a train and travel like 70 miles every day.

jengaboy347:I still think your wack to be doing that but hey thats your problemo,not mine. So,yo I got my coach yelling at me today.

393kts:for what? did you kick some guys *** again?

jengaboy347:nah. I wasnt too good quarterback at practice today. My arm just felt like crap.

393kts:dude,you throw too hard I'm sure. I suck at football but I know I was always throwing the ball wrong because with one throw my arm felt like I dislocated it or something. invite Kiana?

393kts: Why not? This im needs some fun in it I guess dont it?

jengaboy347:no **** man. I think shes idle or away. But she prob wont accept the invite from me. Maybe from you.

393kts:why not you? why is it always me inviting her?

jengaboy347:dude, I dont know! maybe she likes you or somethin. she never accepts my invites. she just always does for you.

393kts:dude thts bc your always randomly dissin her.

jengaboy347:yo,she just has a big mouth. I have to speak my opinion dont i?

393kts:theres a saying that goes if you dont have nothing nice to say dont say it at all.

jengaboy347:whats that from? Confuscius?

393kts:I dont know ...jsut a saying. i prob would be sayin yes though if you were Chinese.

jengaboy347:i guess im not though. just ur american soulja boy.

393kts:ok so ill be invinting kiana. what was her sn again? its not on my list.


393kts:okay I'll invite her.

It is 7:40 P.m,March 31st 1999

Ilubyoudoo347:hey steve and whats your name again jenga?

jengaboy347:up yours.

Ilubyoudoo347:thats not very nice now is it Billy?

393kts: okay guys,quit it. just lets say hi and moooove on.

Ilubyoudoo347:ok so whats new steve?

393kts:um....nothing much. well...I met a girl today.

Ilubyoudoo347:lmao! omg! lmao! lmfao!

jengaboy347:ok dude thats just tooo funny.

393kts:OKAY why do u guys have to lol and stuff at me?

Ilubyoudoo347:bc thats like the funniest thing ive heard all day. you meet a girl? actually talk and get into a relationship?! lmao!

393kts:wait hold on! who said relationship? i just said one thing.

Ilubyoudoo347:steve,if it wasnt serious you wouldnt have brought it up and obviously you want to have a relatinship because your acting all defensive.

jengaboy347:im glad that Kiana came here because u always open ur mouth for the ladies dont u man?

393kts:i was getting to it with u man.

jengaboy347:i wasnt born yesterday man.

Ilubyoudoo347:so how is she? Is she a wild sexy girl?

393kts: ok ! that was so messed up especially hearing that from u kiana. maybe from bill its ok but u?

Ilubyoudoo347:what can i say?i jsut think like a guy sometimes. i guess im a tom boy.

393kts:ahaha well just calm down about it.

jengaboy347:ok dude so how was she?

393kts:well..we kissed.


Ilubyoudoo347:no way! noooooooooooo way would u ever kiss a girl! omg! u kissing a girl and in one day?!

393kts:actually in like 2 hours.

393kts:ok hold on guys. im gonna have to call u up. dad needs to use the internet.

Ilubyoydoo347:ok well you better not be running away from us. we know ur number.

jengaboy347:and where you live.

393kts:hey if i said im calling you guys then iam with the power of three way calling.


Ilubyoudoo347:okie then

It is 7:45 P.m,March 31st,1999

Okay I cant believe I just told Kiana and Bill that. Even they cant believe it! Well I want to tell someone about her. ____,shes so beautiful and the loveliest girl I know. To kiss her....thats the greatest feeling. To have someone elses lips on yours...someone's lips on yours that you actually care for,its the greatest feeeling in the world.

Hi this is me the author.and id like to say this story isnt finished yet. I started this story 2 months ago and got busy with school to never finish. i have time now..and before I write on more..i wanted to see what was the general feel people had when they read this. like boring? romantic? awwww material? =)

please give your views. constructive criticism and idea very much welcomed. Thanks for your time.

A Good story ?
Writer to writer, don't ever show the unfinished to the people, because people like different things, have different ideas, and different tastes. If you listen to people as you progress the novel or story while getting opinions from people, you'll end up changing your story so much that you end up with a collage of crap just impressed people. I understand you want opinions but write what you want - you'll always have an audience. Don't doubt yourself because, for me, the best thing about writing is the work - not the aftermath.
Reply:I just took like an hour and a half to read this and didnt want to stop!!! it was really should finish it!!! you should write a book or something!! its really annoying not to read the ending!! FINISH PLEASE!!! Report It

Reply:i'll be honest and say that I didn't finish reading the whole thing. You writing style takes too many rabbit trails for the reader to be able to focus on the story. Keep a direct train of thought in your descriptions.

One good example is a sentence towards the beginning:

"I get out of our king sized Serta Bed, thats one good bed never had a bad nights sleep with that bed, and walk to the bathroom to take a shower."

It just doesnt flow very well. You might take out the "thats one good bed..." insert and use it as a seperate sentence somwhere else. Your punctuation also needs to give your words definintion. The reader needs to be interested, and not skipping over every other sentence because it is irrelevant. Don't just talk, SAY something. Keep my attention.

The story plot itself isn't too bad at all. I just need to hear your personality in the story. Less rambling and better sentence structure.
Reply:Your story bores me to sleep.

Please keep what you want to say or question short and brief, so that everybody can follow without waste of time, otherwise publish your short story into a booklet.

This is suppose to be a question and answer session, not writing a short story.

Sorry, no offence meant.