Friday, July 16, 2010

A friend is here and he says he has a pimple like dot on the side of his neck for 3 years.?

A friend is here and he says he has a pimple like dot on the side of his neck for 3 years.?

When he pops it he says it's filled with white puss and smells really bad. He get's pain in his neck and collar bone and into his jaw (more like tension). What could this be and what kind of natural treatment could be done?

A friend is here and he says he has a pimple like dot on the side of his neck for 3 years.?
i had some thinglike that i was camping and musta gotten bit by a misqueto and well

i had a dot on my neck for about 6 months looked likea third niple

Problems with a tom cat?

I had a cat, Luke, who ran off for some reason last year. 3-4 weeks ago, I heard some hissing from my porch and was shocked when I saw that Luke was there (yes, it's him, he still has his collar %26amp; ID tag), and he was trying to attack one of my cats. I now have 4 cats, 3 females %26amp; 1 male, that live out in our shop/garage, but do like to roam around the yard a bit during the day. Luke comes and goes, but he seems to always pop up whenever I have my cats out and he isn't shy about trying to hurt them. He's even attacked my male cat so bad that the poor thing had to be taken to a vet and have stitches on his leg. I've heard of males trying to hurt other males, but Luke even goes after my female cats. My cats are really quite friendly %26amp; sweet, and they generally try to make nice with Luke but he's just so mean in return. Any advice on what I could do to get Luke to play nice? I didn't want to take him to a shelter and get rid of him unless he just won't cooperate and be friendly to my cats.

Problems with a tom cat?
He sounds like a nice cat,.. but get him neutered, he will run away less,.. if at all AND be a much mellower kitty.

Not a meanie!

Gd. luck.
Reply:From experience. I found that if you have a shoe lace or string of some sort and play with him then the others will play and yes at first Luke won't like it but he may get use to it. The other thing is has he had all of his shots. I.E temperment and is he fixed that may be a problem.
Reply:Neuter him and most of the aggression will go away. In fact you should have all of your pets neutered since they roam around outside. I had a male feral cat that adopted me and he was very rude and nasty to my other cats until I got him fixed. He turned into the nicest cat however the damage was already done to the other cats and they wouldn't have anything to do with him in his nice state. He became a big lazy cat who didn't want anything but love.

What do you think the message of this religious song is?

When I woke up this mornin', I felt a pang.

I was hungerin' for some apple pie.

Stumbled in the bathroom, I hung my hog a little bit;

washed the sleep up out my eye.

Oh yeah, this'll be a fine day.

Scratched myself a bit.

Poured me out a bowl of Corn Chex.

It was the closest thing I could find to apple pie.

Lingerin' taste of toothpaste made the milk go down a bit funny, but ya' know,

Them Chex, they do satisfy.

Oh yeah, this'll be a fine day.

So after my mornin' rise and shine, and eatin' clean,

Had my mind set to hit them streets.

Drizzle from the night left the cold puddles out.

Had my black stomp boots on my feet.

It's my day.

Yeah. It's my day.

Since I was in kneepants my pop had tried to make me realize

If I set my mind down to it, I could be a big man in the public eye, so

With my big blue collar on, I set out to find the easy way.

What an ice-cold bath it was when I found you had to pay to pay to play.

Oh, to taste the taste is a tease that never would subside.

What do you think the message of this religious song is?
The song is "Suck on This" by Primus. I'm not aware that it has any religious connotations at all. Where did you run across it in a religious setting? Maybe praying to the god of Claypool.
Reply:I'll have to read it a few times.
Reply:don't wast time with bad song?
Reply:He likes apple pie. I don't blame him. Not all christian bands do christian songs. For example, Relient K made a song about a Sadie Hawkins dance.
Reply:It's like an anti-capitalist song, about the monotonous and horrible life of the blue-collar worker.
Reply:i dont see anything "religious" at all in this song...

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Should i trade in a bump for a huge scar?

i was gonna ask it in the health section but id rather get opinions from hockey fans. Well i broke my collar bone playing hockey and its about 95% healed now but there is a bump right where it broke that looks like it can pop out of my skin (its my bone..and its permanently sticking out there) but the doctor says if i get a little surgery i can get that piece of the bone removed. What do u think i should do?

Should i trade in a bump for a huge scar?
Rub some dirt on it and move on.

Reply:Go with the scar, if you really want to emphasize it, just make sure you are out in the sun. The scar tissue reacts to sunlight and will be darker than surrounding skin.

I had the opposite situation I had facial surgery and I didn't want a 3 inch scar on the left side of my face. The surgeon was able to place the incisions near the laugh lines so the scar is barely noticeable.
Reply:I would take the scar because it makes you look tougher.
Reply:get the sugery and make up a story about the scar
Reply:Yeah, I cracked mine up good awhile back. Had the old figure eight sling. It is all sort of bumpier and uneven to the touch but not really noticable. I would say no. No harm, no foul. Might be different on a girl though.
Reply:Go with the surgery... The scar isn't as big as you think and will fade in time to a little white line... The bump will always be right out there looking at ya...
Reply:If the bone is set firmly in place, then I wouldn't be too worried about it. Unless it's an annoyance, leave the bone how it is. If not, you may put yourself in a good situation to reaggrivate the injury. At least wait until your 100% sure that the collar bone is healed before you hit the ice again!
Reply:Take the scar dude.....The scare will show that your a true athlete and a tough hockeyplayer...You can also show people and say this is how tough and hard i am...

Blisters on my right cheek and right chest, what could they be?

They sort of appeared over night. The first blisters I got was one on my right breast, and two on my right collar bone. They are about 1/2 in. in size. Then there was one on my face, and then a few more came on my face, most the same 1/2 in. size. They seem to be filled with a clear watery liquid and when they pop the skin peels off and it's red and sorta stings when I wash my face. I've been eating soy a lot more than often so I think it might be an allergic reaction to that. I also thought it might be caused by sweat that occurs when I workout, I'm not sure though. Someone please help me!

Blisters on my right cheek and right chest, what could they be?
It could be a number of things. The best way to find out is to see a doctor IMMEDIATELY. Don't put this off. It sounds pretty serious. If you have been tanning whether it be in the sun or a salon it could be that... if not then it could be something more serious.

Please for yourself... go see a doctor!
Reply:have you had chicken pox?
Reply:It`s Herpes simplex a viral infection.

A friend is here and he says he has a pimple like dot on the side of his neck for 3 years.?

is here and he says he has a pimple like dot on the side of his neck for 3 years.?

When he pops it he says it's filled with white puss and smells really bad. He get's pain in his neck and collar bone and into his jaw (more like tension). What could this be and what kind of natural treatment could be done?

A friend is here and he says he has a pimple like dot on the side of his neck for 3 years.?
It's an abscess. My fiance had one for a long time on his face (near his jaw)and kept squeezing the pus out and it would always come back. FINALLY he went to the doctor and with a little bit of freezing, the doc cut it out and sewed him up, easy peasy. It's never come back and hasn't given him any problems since!

Your friend might "know" he has to go to the doctor, but maybe he's afraid that it'll hurt or that he'll find out it's something bad? It sounds like an abscess for sure. The procedure is done with freezing and probably hurts less than when he pops it himself. Plus, it'll never come back! It's worth it for him to go - he'll be so glad he did!
Reply:He needs a doctor to look at it.
Reply:he has an infected hair ,the little booger grew in the wrong way .the only way to cure this is to have it cut out. Ive had one one my back for over 30 years ,that may sound gross, but as I'm under treatment for cancer, I'm not to worried about a zit

How to get rid of hickies?

It's not a bad bad hickie where it's completely red and purple.

It's just a few little dots of red, not so much purple. One right in the front of my neck, which i can't seem to hide and one on the side which my hair can hide.

I just need to now a trick to make it not so red, or something. I tried putting makeup on it, and it didn't really work. It looked like a glob of makeup was on my neck. Plus some little red dots popped up.

It's not that bad, it's really not but if my mom sees it she'll kill me and my boyfriend.

So, how long do you think it'll take to go away?

In the morning or something since it's not a bad one?

Ugggh, please help.

Plus, I have work tomorrow.

The shirt is a collared one and we have to wear our hair up but the one in the middle of my neck won't be covered

How to get rid of hickies?
there is no way to hide hickies, my friend... you can try with makeup but its impossible.

just smash your boyfriend in the face next time he starts doing it, hickies are so tacky.
Reply:Ice makes the swelling go down, but it's basically a bruise, you could try neosporin. Just gotta push him away if he starts being a vaccuum. Make him suck places you can cover easily. :P
Reply:when ur near ur mom accidently hurt yourself in the nec" a little bit, and be like "ooooouuucchhh!! i think i just pinched myself or something!" then ask her if it left a mark, and she will be like oh yes, it did, and she will just assume thats what it is =]
Reply:AHH thanks for asking this!! my bf jjust gave me one last night so im trying to figure a way to hide it from my parents and bros lol!
Reply:umm... get a boyfriend who's a better kisser. Or put some foundation on it...
Reply:put a spoon in the freezer and let it get really cold...then hold it to your neck till the spoon gets warm and it should take away some of the color. And use some cover up and power on it.
Reply:You can put an ice cube on it to reduce some of the redness.

As for how long it takes to go away....I've had some stay on anywhere from a couple hours to like 3 weeks. Just tough it out, I guess.
Reply:stop letting people suck on ur neck.
Reply:hmm.. i think hickies start to disapear after a day or two.
Reply:I get them very easy as I am very fair. When I was younger I got a bad one and I used a brush with rubber tips and brushed it. The hicky was gone the next day! I was told it loosens the blood at the surface. I have also heard of scraping it with a cold spoon. Good luck
Reply:I have heard that holding the back of a spoon to it will make it go away, never seen it work, but it did seem to fade somewhat. Hemorroid creme takes redness out. lol. Green tinted concealer would counteract the red. Yeah you just may be screwed. Try everything and plan on keeping your head down in front of your mom.
Reply:Try rubbing it for 1 minute

It's worked for me and it went in the first hour.
Reply:lol gutz the best way is to just wear a pola neck top but ice or toothpaste is suppose to work
Reply:Just don't get them in the first place.
Reply:i've been told that if you tap

it with a spoon for 50 secs. or a min.

but i don't know

people say it works.

i've never had one ha.
Reply:Hickies are rather disgusting. If your makeup isn't helping, then that really sucks. Next time don't let it get to that point if you're not willing to handle the consequences.
Reply:Put a spoon in the freezer and let it get really cold and apply to your neck.
Reply:Turtel neck if you want to go with the artsy look and polo with the things up if you want to go with the 80's look. Other than that make up might work but not always.
Reply:Hickies are juvenile and tacky.

Try a mineral foundation that applies like a powder, will cover more naturally than that cakey liquid foundation.

Or wear a turtleneck. You'll look like a dweeb, but its better than looking at the hickey.
Reply:haha dont let people do that then lol lame...
Reply:Put a red based lipstick on it, and let it dry. Add darker concealer and let it dry. Add some light colored powder.

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