Friday, July 16, 2010

How to get rid of hickies?

It's not a bad bad hickie where it's completely red and purple.

It's just a few little dots of red, not so much purple. One right in the front of my neck, which i can't seem to hide and one on the side which my hair can hide.

I just need to now a trick to make it not so red, or something. I tried putting makeup on it, and it didn't really work. It looked like a glob of makeup was on my neck. Plus some little red dots popped up.

It's not that bad, it's really not but if my mom sees it she'll kill me and my boyfriend.

So, how long do you think it'll take to go away?

In the morning or something since it's not a bad one?

Ugggh, please help.

Plus, I have work tomorrow.

The shirt is a collared one and we have to wear our hair up but the one in the middle of my neck won't be covered

How to get rid of hickies?
there is no way to hide hickies, my friend... you can try with makeup but its impossible.

just smash your boyfriend in the face next time he starts doing it, hickies are so tacky.
Reply:Ice makes the swelling go down, but it's basically a bruise, you could try neosporin. Just gotta push him away if he starts being a vaccuum. Make him suck places you can cover easily. :P
Reply:when ur near ur mom accidently hurt yourself in the nec" a little bit, and be like "ooooouuucchhh!! i think i just pinched myself or something!" then ask her if it left a mark, and she will be like oh yes, it did, and she will just assume thats what it is =]
Reply:AHH thanks for asking this!! my bf jjust gave me one last night so im trying to figure a way to hide it from my parents and bros lol!
Reply:umm... get a boyfriend who's a better kisser. Or put some foundation on it...
Reply:put a spoon in the freezer and let it get really cold...then hold it to your neck till the spoon gets warm and it should take away some of the color. And use some cover up and power on it.
Reply:You can put an ice cube on it to reduce some of the redness.

As for how long it takes to go away....I've had some stay on anywhere from a couple hours to like 3 weeks. Just tough it out, I guess.
Reply:stop letting people suck on ur neck.
Reply:hmm.. i think hickies start to disapear after a day or two.
Reply:I get them very easy as I am very fair. When I was younger I got a bad one and I used a brush with rubber tips and brushed it. The hicky was gone the next day! I was told it loosens the blood at the surface. I have also heard of scraping it with a cold spoon. Good luck
Reply:I have heard that holding the back of a spoon to it will make it go away, never seen it work, but it did seem to fade somewhat. Hemorroid creme takes redness out. lol. Green tinted concealer would counteract the red. Yeah you just may be screwed. Try everything and plan on keeping your head down in front of your mom.
Reply:Try rubbing it for 1 minute

It's worked for me and it went in the first hour.
Reply:lol gutz the best way is to just wear a pola neck top but ice or toothpaste is suppose to work
Reply:Just don't get them in the first place.
Reply:i've been told that if you tap

it with a spoon for 50 secs. or a min.

but i don't know

people say it works.

i've never had one ha.
Reply:Hickies are rather disgusting. If your makeup isn't helping, then that really sucks. Next time don't let it get to that point if you're not willing to handle the consequences.
Reply:Put a spoon in the freezer and let it get really cold and apply to your neck.
Reply:Turtel neck if you want to go with the artsy look and polo with the things up if you want to go with the 80's look. Other than that make up might work but not always.
Reply:Hickies are juvenile and tacky.

Try a mineral foundation that applies like a powder, will cover more naturally than that cakey liquid foundation.

Or wear a turtleneck. You'll look like a dweeb, but its better than looking at the hickey.
Reply:haha dont let people do that then lol lame...
Reply:Put a red based lipstick on it, and let it dry. Add darker concealer and let it dry. Add some light colored powder.

dental associates

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