Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hot Spots..?

I have a bichon poodle..i noticed a couple days ago he had a nasty hot spot under his collar. I immediatly removed the collar, and treated the spot ( which now is healing quite nicely) Ive since shaved him down completely and today i noticed another hot spot on his shoulder that he's scratching. It just popped up today.I was wondering..could he have some sort of virus? or would the fact that i buzzed all his hair off create a new hot spot?

Hot Spots..?
If you might have barely nicked him with the clippers, that can cause an infection, etc. But hot spots can crop up anywhere for no reason. I'd take him to the vet to make sure they are hot spots, though.
Reply:its summer and there is stuff in the grass, maybe he has an allergy to something and it makes him itchy. i know i have skin allergies and how it works for me, and dogs dont have enough sence to stop itching, and im no dog but when i have an itch i itch it, ever heard that term itch to bleed? keep him trimmed for the summer and give him baths with the oatmeal anti itch bath and treat the hot spots.
Reply: Visit this website, get his book, it has everything in it you need to know and you can in the future hopefully avoid these types of problems. Till then you should hopefully get some decent tips on what it could be from others here and see the vet.

I had a doberman that used to get them, could be food allergies, fleas, etc... .

If you get and read the book you'll see why so many pets suffer from these conditions, IE: commercial pet foods, top spot flea pesticeds etc.. . Good luck.
Reply:I found a decent web site that could help you. My first thought was a bacterial infection or allergies. Hope this helps.

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