Sunday, July 11, 2010

How do you know if you have a pulled chest muscle?

I've been having pain under my left breast and in the left shoulder ( I broke my left collar bone years ago and have had popping and cracking in this shoulder recently) the pain radiates to my back and sometimes hurts when i take a deep breathe or feels as if i can't take a proper deep breath) it hurts when ever i move my left arm. I am wondering if it is something to do with my collar bone, I never had a follow up exam from my collar bone all those years ago.

How do you know if you have a pulled chest muscle?
I think you have a problem in your neck, and you are experiencing muscle spasms. I suggest you see a doc, and get some xrays done to rule out any serious problem. If the neck is the problem, you don't want to mess around waiting and irritating the area, it can be dangerous. If the shoulder is the problem, it could be arthritis has developed from the previous injury, and your current lifestyle has triggered a flare. You can try ice or heat, see if the inflammation goes down. Take some Ibuprofen for the pain and inflammation. Does it hurt when you sit back on the couch, like a stabbing pain between your shoulder blades? Muscle spasms can be brutal. moist heat works best for that,I think. Go see the doc, good luck.

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