Sunday, July 11, 2010

My 18mth parson terrier X b*tch is getting nasty with other dogs?

And nipping our cat, has also had a pop at my GSD( who is a softie) will a anti bark collar help if only used when she gets snappy

My 18mth parson terrier X b*tch is getting nasty with other dogs?
Its a terrier. Train it!!

Added: If she is snapping at other dogs she is NOT TRAINED to not do this. It is inappropriate behavior just as going potty in the house is inappropriate behavior.

Reply:You must get help to train her not to do this. My Son has a Parsons and it is the most tolerant dog I have ever met, I say this as I have a 17 month Male Chihuahua that jumps allover it paws his face and generally torments the life out of it when they visit us and he just sits there (thinking) I wish he would hurry up and grow up!! They are a lovely dog please train it and then you can enjoy it.
Reply:The best way to handle this is to break the cycle, take an old bottle and fill it about a quater fall of ravel or small stones. Whenever your dog starts to get nasty or show signs shake the bottle and in a deep firm voice shout no. This works honest..if it does then another method is a choke chain, i no this sound harsh but if its used in a correct way ot doesnt harm your dog at all. You should place the chain at the place just behide the back of the head, and underneath the jaw line, this is because it the most senisitve part of the dogs body. All it takes is a gentle pall and they will stop it, try keep her head up and keep her attention. Hope this helps
Reply:Don't you get nasty with fellas
Reply:No an anti bark collar will not help a dog if it is snappy.

She needs some discipline, take her to obedience classes.
Reply:no an anti bark collar will not help you need to praise you dog when she is nice to other dogs and if she is snappy spray her with some water she will soon learn
Reply:Those things shock the daylights out of your animals! They are cruel! Parson's (Jack Russel) terriers are naturally playful and sometimes they can be a bit snappy. You apparently have to take more control over this dog and let it know who the leader of the pack is.

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